38) Twitter Teasing

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Both of you were sitting in the living room, playing on your laptops, phones, tablets, and any other technological device either of you owned. You looked at Niall, who was typing something on what appeared to be Twitter, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"What's up, Ni?" You asked, growing curious.

"Oh nothing. Louis just tweeted something funny on Twitter." Niall said, snickering.

You frowned and grabbed your phone. You unlocked it and saw you had 1 notification. Opening the app, you saw something Niall tweeted, 2 minutes ago. It was a photo of you and him, only mustaches and horns were drawn onto both of you. "Ni? What's this?" You turned the phone around so he could see.

Niall busted out laughing. "I got bored, sorry babe!" He laughed and you shook your head.

"Boys will be boys," you mumbled. "Don't forget I have your mum on speed dial."


"Having Mamma Horan on speed dial means having access to tons and tons of baby photos." It was your turn to grin like the Cheshire Cat.

"You wouldn't." Niall said, mouth dropping slightly, eyes wide.

"Try me." You looked down at your phone and saw the picture gone.

"No baby pictures, Y/N!" Niall hollered and you busted out laughing. Niall started laughing too. Might as well save the bathtub pictures for a rainy day.


It was Liam's birthday, and you had the perfect way to wish him a Happy Birthday. His sisters, Ruth and Nicola had both wished him a Happy Birthday on Twitter, along with a baby picture of Liam. You had favorited and retweeted both tweets.

You had called up Liam's mother, asking if she could email you a baby picture, which she was more than happy to do! Soon, the email was in your inbox.

Liam came downstairs, after spending an extra hour asleep. "Good morning, Y/N!" Liam said, giving you a kiss.

You grinned. "Happy Birthday Liam!" You kissed him. "What would you like for breakfast?"

Liam thought for a moment. "French Toast sounds pretty good right now!" You grabbed the ingredients and started making his chosen food.  

Once the food was done, and Liam was eating happily, you unlocked your phone and saved the baby photo of your boyfriend to your phone. You opened twitter and tweeted, 'Happy birthday to this gorgeous boy!' The photo attached was a photo of Liam in his teens, singing the national anthem at a sporting event.

In the kitchen, you heard a phone ding. Hearing the clicking of numbers on the screen, you covered your mouth, already laughing.

"Y/N!" Liam hollered, and you busted out laughing. Liam walked into the living room, holding the screen of his phone towards you. Your tweet had already 3K favorites and 1K retweets. Liam was smiling, so that was a good sign. "Did my mum help you?"

Unable to speak you nodded, still laughing. Liam looked at the photo again and shook his head. "Mothers," he left the tweet and saw the millions of birthday tweets, including his sisters'. "Oh for God's sake!" He said, seeing their 2 pictures of him. You laughed harder than before.

"That's where I got the idea!" You said, wiping tears from your eyes. Liam shook his head, then returned to his breakfast.

He mumbled to himself while finishing his food. "My girls."


Louis had been pranking you for the past 2 weeks, and you were sick of it. Looking around each corner and watching each step you take was tiring. You had to stop this prank war, once and for all!

Louis tends to leave his phone laying around the house, without a passcode. You swiped the screen and were greeted by his apps, and behind those, a picture of you 2 on your trip to Disney World. Clicking the photo app, you selected the 2011 album. Tons of photos popped up, many of them embarrassing photos from when One Direction was just starting out. After going through each photo, you picked one of Louis, taking a selfie. His hair was styles like many guys style it today: slicked to the side. Perfect.

You sent the photo to yourself then deleted the message from Louis' phone so he wouldn't see it. You saved the photo to your own phone then logged onto Twitter. After adding the photo to the tweet, you added the caption, 'Which trend did you start? #selfie or #biebshair ? world may never know' You clicked 'tweet' and shut off your phone. The waiting begins.

~A Couple Hours Later~

You were scrolling through Instagram when Louis came home.

"Hey, Lou!" You called, getting up to greet him. You gave him a kiss and he smiled.

"Hey, Y/N. Have you seen my phone? I think I left it here."

You nodded and handed it to him. He thanked you, then proceeded to the kitchen for a snack. You heard him clicking a few buttons. "Can you bring me in a Fiji water, Louis?" You called, wanting to see his reaction.

"Sure!" The fridge opened and then closed. Louis came into the room, still looking at his phone. He handed you the water, then pulled it back. "What did you do?"

You busted out laughing, unable to play it cool. He clicked on the tweet and saw the photo. "Y/N!" He hollered. You were laughing so hard you fell off the couch, clutching your stomach.

Louis shook his head at the photo, then at you, then at the photo again. "Hey, Y/N?"

"Yeah?" You asked, wiping the tears from your eyes.

"What's your mom's number, again? I seemed to misplace it."

"Don't even think about it!" You called, tackling him to the floor. A never-ending war is approaching in the house.


He doesn't like pranks, at all. But, one little one doesn't hurt anything.

It was completely your own fault. You left your phone laying around, without a password. So, while you were in the shower, Harry swiped your phone.

"Hmmm, what to mess with." He mumbled to himself, keeping an eye on the bathroom door. He opened your contacts and smiled deviously. He made a note on his phone, as to who was what. After a couple minutes, all 113 of your contacts now had different names relating to your favorite TV Shows, favorite bands, and Harry's personal favorite, different breeds of cats.

Harry shook his head. He couldn't just change contact names, no! A simple tweet off of your Twitter would do nicely. Very nicely.

'Is it weird that I sometimes wish I had Harry's amazing hair and body? #jelouis ' He tweeted. Simple, but effective.

You got out of the shower just as he put your phone where you left it. Noticing his evil little grin, you narrowed your eyes. "What did you do?" You asked.

Harry held up his hands. "Nothing, nothing!" Harry said, standing, ready to leave the room. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." He left the room, but waited behind the door of your shared bedroom.

"Weirdo," you mumbled, grabbing your phone. It was blowing up with tons of Twitter notifications, and a text from someone named 'Teddy Bear'. "What the actual fu-HARRY!" You screamed. You clicked onto your notifications, seeing the tweet. "HAROLD EDWARD STYLES!" You screamed again. His laughter gave away his hiding spot, as did the massive amounts of curls coming from behind the door.

"I'm sorry, Y/N!" He said laughing.

You shook your head, watching him basically die of laughter. "Oh Haz. Life would be so boring without you." After getting dressed, you pulled Harry to the living room and sat down on the couch. Time to solve these confusing contact names.

~Author's Note!~

Thanks for reading guys! Give it a huge star, add it to your library, and comment some preference that YOU want to see!

Twitter: geek2017

Instagram: Coming Soon!


One Direction Preferences~Watty's 2015Where stories live. Discover now