12) The Movies

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Niall takes you to see the new movie, The Heat. Before the movie begins, you both rush to the snack counter to load up on snacks.

"What do ya want Princess?" Niall asks, hungrily eyeing the popcorn and Sour Patch Kids.

You smile. "What's a movie without popcorn, Sour Patch Kids, and..."

"2 large blue rasberry slushies?" Niall finishes for you. You nod eagerly and wait your turn in line. The 2 of you grab your snacks and head inside the dimly lit theater. "Wanna sit in the back?" Niall asks. You nod, and find 2 seats in the very back. After 10 minutes of agonizing commercials the movie starts. Niall sneaks a few kisses in during the movie.

"Thank you for a great night Niall. I love you." You give him a sweet kiss which he happily returns.

"I love you too Y/N."


The movie theater was having a showing of Liam's favorite movie trilogy: Toy Story. So, as a treat, you take Liam to the later showing. You pay for the tickets and your snacks and find a seat in the back.

"I haven't seen Toy Story in a while. Thank you Y/N!" Liam gives you a loving kiss on the cheek. You smile.

"Your welcome Liam. You do so much for me, so I figured I do something for you. And it is Toy Story, I mean who can resist that?" Liam laughs and the lights dim.

After the movies, you and Liam walk out to your car, holding hands.

"The ending gets me every time." Liam says, wiping his eyes.

You smile at his childish heart and hug him. "Don't worry. The toys are in a better place."

"I know."


It had been storming all day. Louis had wanted to go to the theater to see Catching Fire, the sequel to The Hunger Games. You refused, not wanting to go out into a storm, and since the mini argument, Louis had not moved from the couch, pouting. You knew he was faking.

"Come on Lou! Cheer up! The movie will be there all weekend. We'll go tomorrow." You say, trying to lighten his mood.

"But everyone else would have already seen it and they'd be bragging about it!" Louis said. You moan, and turn on your TV. You both have Direct TV, which has movies that have been just been released on the movie channels. Apparently, Louis seemed to forget.

You enter in your code, and the start menu instantly appears. "BooBear, look at the TV." You whisper in his ear. He realunctly looks up. Once his brain processes the image, he squeals in delight.

You smirk, thinking of his earlier statement. "Hey Lou. The movie at the theater hasn't even started yet. Now who's the first couple people to see it? That's right: us!" You stick your tongue out playfully.

Louis smiles. "Sorry we fought Y/N. I love you." He tackles you in a hug.

"I love you too Lou!"


Harry had persuaded you to join him and his mum Anne to movies. They were going to see Heaven is For Real a book you and Anne both enjoy. Harry had just finished reading it, and was surprisingly eager.

"It'll be fun!" He said smiling. You were skeptical, since movies following books usually end in disaster. Your case in point was The Hunger Games, how they had left so much out.

"I'll go. But I bet it won't be as good as the book." You sighed and Harry hugged you. The 2 of you went to pick up Anne and drove the the theater. You had gotten in line for tickets with Anne while Harry went for snacks. You and Anne made small talk about the movie and got the 3 tickets.

Once the opening credits started, your skeptical thoughts were put to rest. The scene was exactly how the book described it. The little boy was even cuter than you had thought. You and Anne left in joyful tears, and Harry wouldn't stop laughing at your doubts.


Being the tough guy, you didn't think Zayn would want to go see If I Stay after you asked him, but Zayn was all too willing to go. When you both got to the cinema, Zayn headed for the tickets and you went for snacks. After grabbing what both of you were after, you guys head into the theater. There was a big crowd, but luckily you were able to find seats in the back.

You had teared up halfway through the movie, remembering what you had read in the book. Zayn, noticing your tears, had put his arm around you. By the end of the movie, you and Zayn were in tears.

"Don't cry boo it's ok." Zayn said through his own tears.

"Don't you cry then I'll cry harder." You say, laughing slightly. He laughed a little and held you.

After the movie, you had stopped crying and had resorted to light sniffles. "Thank you for coming with me Zayn. I really appriciated it." You say, hugging his side.

"Thank you for offering baby. I enjoyed it." He said, hugging you. You smiled and held on to him as tight as possible.

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