30) Pranks

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Niall is the sweetest person in the world, but he can seriously be a pain in the ass. Lately, he's been hanging out with Louis more, which is not a good thing. Louis has given your innocent Irish boy some dirty pranks to play on you. You were out for the day shopping with friends and just relaxing, perfect time for Niall to plan.

His plan was to change every file's name in your laptop to something completely different. He knew it was a horrible idea, but he couldn't resist pulling at least 1 prank on you. In your laptop, every file is super easy to find, having a folder for each project you do, even if you store 1 item in the folder. Niall quickly changed all the names of each file, writing down each original name and it's new name on his phone so it'll be easy to change back.

"Niall! I'm home!" You called to the house an hour later. Niall put your laptop back in it's normal spot, before running down to meet you.

"Hey Princess!" He called, kissing you. "How was shopping?" He eyed your smile, realizing you wouldn't be smiling for long.

"I got some great deals on shoes and Sephora had some amazing sales on eyeliner and lipliner." You babbled on about your shopping adventures while going upstairs to get your laptop. Niall snickered as you turned it on.

"What's for din-?" You stop, realizing none of these files were the correct ones. "Niall. James. Horan."

"Yes babe?" He asked, playing coy and innocent.

"What. Did. You. DO?!" You burst, shoving your laptop into his lap, his laughing echoing through your home.

"What do you mean, Y/N?" He asked, nearly falling off the couch in laughter.

"CHANGE THESE BACK NOW!" You demanded, pinning him down on the floor.

"OK OK!" He grabbed his phone, opened the Notes and tossed it at you. "Here! I have them all wrote down." You lightly hit his side, cauing him to laugh harder, and grabbed his phone. As you changed your files back to normal, you started to laugh.

"That was pretty funny though."


Never in your wildest dreams would you think Liam would play a prank on you. But, dreams aren't reality, and Liam can be a sneaky little bugger when he wants to be. He knew this prank was going to be a little overboard, but he couldn't resist. You were absolutely in love with the show How to Get Away With Murder, and dedicated yourself to it. So, to make fun of you, he decided to send a simple text about your precious show.

'Babe HTGAWM (Author's Note: Yes? No? Kay..) got cancelled =(' the text read. He couldn't help but laugh as he sent it. He knew this would drive you to the edge of the insanity cliff, but your reaction would be worth it.

You were on your lunch break at work when you got Liam's text. Thank God you were alone in your office. Liam never told lies: so this had to be real. The tears soon started flowing and you called him.

"Hello?" His sweet voice answered.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN CANCELLED???" You yelled at him. Never having you yell at him, Liam was too stunned to speak on the other end of the line.

"I-I w-well..." He stammered. You were now crying, which Liam could easily tell.

"WHY?? WHAT'S SO BAD ABOUT IT?" You sobbed.

"OK IT DIDN'T GET CANCELLED I WAS PRANKING YOU I AM SO SORRY Y/N!!!!!!" Liam cried. Your tears stopped, and anger seeped in through your veins.

"What?" Liam explained again, and you hung up. Opening up Google on your phone, you started typing, "How to Burn Action Figures" into the search bar.

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