1) How You Meet

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Working at party center for little kids wasn't exactly your dream job, but you needed to earn money to see your favorite band, One Direction! You were currently working behind the ticket counter at the arcade, trying to explain to some annoying little girl about what she could and could not get with her tickets.

"But I want the teddy bear!" The little girl cried.

"I'm sorry, but you can't have it." You told her, as nicely as you could. The girl ran off screaming for her mother, but didn't come back, making you sigh in relief.

A while later, you were cleaning up from the early party. You picked up the dirty dish bin, full of dishes, and walked to the kitchen. Just as you were about to walk into the kitchen, someone ran right into you, sending you and the dishes flying to the floor.

"Hey! Would you kind watch were you're go-" You start to yell, but you immediately lock eyes with a blonde haired boy with dazzling blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry miss! I was running from a group of girls so I ran in here!" He said. You couldn't help but notice the thick Irish accent in his perfect voice.

"Oh it's fine! I wasn't watching where I was going. Wait... your Niall Horan!" You start freaking out, but Niall does nothing but smile.

"And your pretty gorgeous." He stops, eyes wide. "I-I mean..." He stutters.

You blush. "That's ok. Your pretty gorgeous yourself. I'm (Y/N)."

"Well (Y/N), would you like to join me for dinner sometime?" Niall smiles to you. You nod, giving him your number. Little did you know, this freak accident would blossom into something so much more!


You were sitting at Starbucks, drinking a delicious vanilla mocha while reading the latest copy of Pretty Little Liars. Just then, you see a very handsome boy with beautiful brown hair sitting across from you on his laptop. Your heart starts beating rapidly when you see him sneak a peak at you. When you meet his brown eyes, you quickly look away, a small smile appearing on your lips.

A few minutes later, the game of Peek-A-Boo is still going on. You watch him talking to a light haired boy, smiling and laughing at nearly everything his friend seems to be saying. You hear his laugh and can't help but laugh as well.

Both boys get up later and get ready to leave, around the same time you do as well. You walk out before them, but only stopping to hear the chime of your phone, signaling you have a text. As you look through your messy Prada bag, you realize you left your book on your table. You walk back and grab your book.

-A While Later-

Your back at home continuing your story. When you open your book to your bookmark, a piece of paper falls out. You open it to find a note.

'I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you were today at the coffee shop. If you don't mind, I'd like to get to know you more. -Liam'

At the bottom was his number, which you eagerly call him after reading his note. The mystery of Alison DiLaurentis is going to have to wait a while.


Your boyfriend had just left you for the most popular girl in school, and you were dateless to your senior prom. Your bestie had decided to take you shopping for a prom dress, but all you wanted to do was eat, sleep, and watch your favorite band do the most random things. But here you were standing in the middle of Deb's (Authors Note: It's a store I have in my mall where I live that always has dresses for anything!) thanks to your friend, promising to buy you Fro-Yo after you find a dress.

One Direction Preferences~Watty's 2015Where stories live. Discover now