C H A P T E R 5 5

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I think y'all will like this one.

Giggles and chuckles filled the home as the two of us laughed at Robyn's series of unfortunate events on Smash Bros.

"There was no way she could've known that he would glitch into your ultimate."

I simply laughed harder. "Easy dubs for me."

"Fuck you!" The woman yelled from the phone.

I sniggered, "Gladly. You still not coming over?"

"Nope! Goodnight lovebirds!" Robyn yawned, the sound of her feet moving up her stairs signaling she was heading to her room. "Don't fuck without me.

"That's crazy, because I really want to feel Y/N's tongue inside me."

There was a pause, the smack of teeth the only thing to let us have a peek at Robyn's frustration as she sighed. "And people think I'm the nasty one. Goodbye."

We didn't get a chance to respond, the woman immediately hanging up so she couldn't get teased any further.

That made the two of us immediately burst into laughter, my body lifting up off the couch so I could make my way to our own bedroom.

The house was quiet, the kids all at Frank's while Trinity was at her friend's house; leaving Zen and I alone in the house.

Robyn would've been here had she not forced herself to stay home, saying something about having a photo shoot in the morning.

It was ok though.

One on one time with each of them made it easier to keep everyone happy and no one left out or insecure.

...speaking of one on one time.

"So you wanna feel my tongue inside you?" I asked as I walked past her into the room.

A surprised choke left her as her cheeks flushed, the woman sputtering, "I-I was just teas-"

"Then get up here."

Those four words shut up any explanation about to leave her as she watched me slide into the mini couch in our room, cocking my head to the side as if to say, 'I'm waiting.'

"You serious?"

"If I wasn't serious, I would've gotten on the bed." Cue devious grin. "But I didn't think we'd be sleeping much."

Those beautiful eyes darkened, the woman wordlessly shedding her clothes as she stalked over to me.

My mouth started to water, pants tightening at the sight of her intricate beauty; the exquisitely delicious sight reminding me of food being presented to me at a restaurant.

Well worth the wait too.

Despite all the poise and class she held, her drop onto my face was unceremonious; her wetness immediately making contact with my lips.

I didn't mind though, simply digging into the meal being given to me.

My tongue easily slipped past her slick fold, licking a familiar firm stroke from her cunt to her clit; the loud moan making me internally smile as I began to circle my muscle around her bundle of nerves.

She had to have been waiting for this, the amount of her juice dripping down my chin too much for her to have just been slightly horny.

No, she was already close to the edge.

And boy, was she soaked; easily allowing my hardened tongue to slip inside her. My hands, which had been reacquainting themselves with her body, slid down to her supple ass; giving the flesh a firm smack.

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