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Oooo back at again with the no edits

"Don't you think that's too...obvious?"

The crew, minus Frank, had been gathered into a booth at Beyond Studios, the building more than happy to welcome us in and set us up. After giving them time to gather their instruments, Liv her computer, and a shit ton of snacks and weed, we'd basically started an album flow.

It almost brought me back to high school, the four of us in our groove while Faith watched or added input to our work.

This time, Rob was here though, doing the same things Faith would but more. Cameron loved to see her go in the booth, the islander being someone she'd listened to all throughout school.

I loved it too, this recording session more personal with it just being my small crew and her. She seemed more relaxed, realizing she didn't have to be so serious to get work done. There was no big fan base bugging her about music this time considering we were on tour, meaning this experience could be more lax.

We had our target, and we had time. No type of pressure was on us if we didn't finish, because we could just come back to it later.

However, that didn't mean we didn't get stalled up.

Like now...

"But it's more than a heartbreak album, Cam. Think about it as the word, not her name."

"Y/N, I already know the cover is going to be wild-"

"And it can be wild. I'm making this for me. Whether they get it or not, I don't care."

My bestfriend sighed, running a hand through her hair as she looked at me for some type of lead way. "But Zen? How else would they take it?"

"It's a love album. It's a heartbreak album. It's a closure album. I'm at peace with the situation Cam. I have no qualms about her being with that guy, or seeing her on Twitter, but I can't act like I didn't." I shrugged, slapping my hands against my thighs. "Like let's be realistic. It most definitely did. Which is why some of the songs are in here."

Her hands wiped down her face as she leaned back in her chair. Our conversation had been semi quiet; Rob, V, and Liv simply ignoring us as they played Mario Kart on the switch until we were ready for the next song.

Sometime after finishing the 5th song, I had told them the name of the album. Everyone seemed to roll with it except Cameron, which was why we were debating now.

She slouched down even more in the seat. "But the songs aren't even in order..."

"Cause I didn't experience them in order." I grinned, squatting in front of her. She looked up at me lazily as I continued to explain, "Heartbreak doesn't hit you all at once. It also happens at various speeds. Same way recovery can happen quickly, or take a while. And sometimes, those two things can mix with each other."


"You could be feeling better, right? Well in your way to being all the way over it, and then, suddenly, you'll feel something that'll take you right back to that feeling of heartbreak. Just like that." I empathized as I snapped my fingers." Most people can get over that quickly because by then, they've learned how to. And when you learn how to deal with situations easier, you reach a certain peace with that problem. Some would say you found your..."

"Zen." She finished with a sigh, looking up at me with tired eyes. "I hate you."

"No you don't." I squeezed her check, jumping back before she could hit me. "Alright people, what's the next song?"

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