C H A P T E R 1 6

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Flashback chapter🤪

"Please!" The girl begged, throwing her head back with a choked sob. "Just make me cum again Y/N. Please..."

"Shhhhh before Mama C hears us." I grinned, continuing my fluid upward strokes into her wetness. "Also, you're so vulgar when you're desperate."

My lips attached to her neck, sucking on the skin there until I was sure it was a pretty red. Exposing my teeth, I nipped different places along her shoulder, reveling in the various sounds each spot made her make. When my teeth grazed a certain area, her hand flew to the back of my head, pushing deeper into the erogenous spot. "Oh fuck, Line. Right there."

Smirking, I growled into her skin, "I love it when you call me Line."

She giggled at my reference, the sound morphing into a moan as my thrusts picked up.

I could feel the muscles on my arms clench underneath my skin as I tightened my grip on her hips, forcing her down onto each thrust up. It was a continuous motion, evoking a reaction out of her with every downward movement. Soft pants and lewd wet noises filled the room, a moan or groan being thrown into the mix from one of us every now and then.

We'd been going at it for hours when her Mom came home from work, turning on the T.V in the living room and presumably going to sleep like she always did. However, with the way she was moaning, I wasn't sure if the woman was sleep or not.

A sudden tightness around my length brought me out of my worries, my mouth opening slightly to let out another husky groan. I quickly attacked her neck, placing wet kisses all along the blushing skin.

Her body molded into mine, the quiet whines continuously spewing from her mouth.
"Oh god...oh god!"

My hand had a mind of its own, slithering between us until my fingers found her clit, rubbing vicious circles around the sensitive nub. There was a choked moan before she basically suffocated my dick, heat splashing against my abdomen. I gritted my teeth, attempting a to give last huzzah before I just gave in, shooting my load deep inside her.

Erratic pants filled the room, neither of us really knowing if we were quiet or not. Her walls felt like they were trying to keep me in, and I would've stayed had I not been so spent.

I pulled out slowly, savoring the last moment inside her, but not missing the way she winced.

I leaned forward, kissing her forehead. I fake grimaced. "Eww. Sweaty."

"Shut up." She giggled, pushing my shoulder weakly.

I chuckled, laying down beside her. "You okay?"

"Oh yeah. I'm good. Great actually."

"Careful Faith. You'll start to ramble."

Another weak smack. "Don't be a meanie."

With a small smirk, I shrugged. "You are what you eat."

"What does that-Hey!" This smack was stronger. "I'm not mean."

I lifted my hands up in surrender. "You said it, not me."

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