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Let's see if this crack makes sense💀 I changed the movie they were watching FYI 🚫 👈🏽no edit

Robyn's POV

My mind was racing a mile a minute as paramedics rushed Line out of my house; the rapper yelling for Zen and I to stay here.

If I'm being honest, I wouldn't have listened had Frank not gone with her. Even then, it took Zen calling my mom and sitting me down to get me to chill out.

I was terrified.

Today had held nothing but uncertainty for me and my child, and it was absolutely terrifying. Not knowing if Y/N was going to be in our lives was something that shook me to the core for many reasons.

Our baby girl needed her, and not for her money. No, she needed Y/N because of her love.

Having a baby by Y/N was probably one of the smartest choices I could ever make. There wasn't any doubt in my mind she would love and care for our child, and I knew that from loving her. From being with her.

The way she took care of me was unlike anything I'd ever experienced...and I missed it.

However, I was content with seeing her with Zen. Seeing how she was consistently a caring person, even while being with someone else, just destroyed any insecurities or doubts that would arise.

I knew she wouldn't switch up.

Three sudden kicks to my stomach made me grunt, Zen rushing over to my side.

"You need sit down, babe." Her caring tone made my heart flutter. "Can't have you and the little tyke stressin'."

I frowned internally as I let her guide me to the couch.

She doesn't slip for shit.

No matter how much I tried to convince her, Zen would not tell me what the baby was. She'd always use neutral nicknames, not once slipping for the past months.

I hated it.

"Maybe if you-"

"Nope." She smirked, sitting next to me. "That'd be unfair."

I pouted. "I'm sure Teddy wouldn't mind."

The actress laughed. "I do not understand how she came up with Angel for you."

"I can be an angel."

"Sure, you can." Grabbing the remote, she switched over to HDMI 2; picking up the Xbox controllers. "Let's play Minecraft."

My heart fell a little as Line and I's world popped up first.

"Aren't you...aren't you scared, Dove?" Zen looked over at me as my eyes started to tear up; one lone tear dropping down my cheek. "Cause I am."

"Oh no, babe. Come here."

I don't know why I listened to her soft command, but I did; pushing myself into her open arms.

Her embrace was different from Y/N's. Where the rapper was firm and solid, she was soft and yielding; yet they both were still loving and gentle.

Everything I didn't know I could find was there in her arms, my emotional ass tearing up even more as I buried my face in her tall ass shoulder.


"It's ok." She shrugged. "It's Line's shirt anyways."

"Why are you so nice?"

She hummed, "What do you mean?"

I sat up in her hold so I could look at her face. "I'm your girlfriend's ex. We shouldn't be this close."

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