C H A P T E R 5

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"Next time you leave to be a rockstar, you call me yourself. Don't let Frank do it." My mom scolded me as I walked into the door.

"I'm sorry, Ma. If I'm being honest, I totally forgot about you. H-"

"HeAt Of ThE mOmEnT." She mocked, slapping the back of my head as I scurried into the kitchen. "Don't run now Y/N."

The pitter patter of tiny paws made me turn, dropping to my knees so they could hop on me.

"Hey there, buddies! Hi! How are you?! HEY. Hey! Put your dicks away!" I scolded, rubbing each of their heads as they barked excitedly at me.

"You are so god damned lucky the dogs saved you."

Deep chuckles erupted from my chest as I continued to pet my dogs. "I love you too Ma."

"Yeah, whatever. Did you get any actual songs done?"

"Do you have to come at my neck? Jeez." I joked, grabbing a brownie off the stove. "Who made these?"

"I did, idiot. Don't avoid my question. Did you get anything done?"

"Yes ma'am." I spoke with my mouth full, the excited noise she let out as she hugged me bringing a smile to my face.

I usually had trouble ending projects I started; which meant albums never got done and songs never got finished. Ma knew that better than anyone, and was always concerned that I'd fall behind on my passion. To try to solve the problem, she encouraged Frank to manage me a while back, which immensely helped me.

"What did you do?! Did you record that song? Tell me all about it, Y/N!"

"Ma!" I faked a long groan as I pulled her onto the couch with me, "You're being a fan girl."

She slapped my arm, "What? Mom's can't be excited for their kids music?"

"You know I'm just playing with you. This girl named Kacy Hill contacted me. She's insane, Ma. We're going to record 90210 next week. I redid Butterfly Effect, which I have to drop as a single later."

"Did you met any cool people?"

"I met The Weeknd, Kid Cudi, Rihanna, Mike Dean and I'm meeting with Drake again later."

"Drake? As in, my husband Drake?" I scrunched my face up in mock disgust, hopping up from couch.

"Ew. I'm telling Marcus."

"Go ahead. He knows I'd leave him for Drake."

"You're disgusting, Ma." I called, skipping up the steps.

"I'm heading out! I'll feed the dogs before I leave." She yelled up to me.

"Thank you!"

"Hey, Mama Y/LN!" I rolled my eyes, retreating into towards room.

"Hey y'all! She's upstairs. Brownies are on the table." Her motherly tone could be heard from my space in my doorway, the door closing signaling her departure.

A loud "HEY PREME!", let me know Violet was here with Liv; which meant Cameron probably was with them as well.

Hopping in the shower, I washed my body quickly, sighing at the hot water.

Water from your own shower hit different.

Finishing up, I wrapped my towel around my wet body as I stepped out. Wetting the toothbrush, I put the toothpaste on it, wetting it again before brushing my teeth quickly. As I spit out some foam, I damn near choked on the toothbrush when I saw Cameron in the mirror.

"Wha da fugk?!" I exclaimed, toothbrush still in mouth.

"One, don't talk with your mouth full. Two, hurry up before Frank has a fucking aneurysm."

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