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"Oh, how I missed you baby daddy!"

I rolled my eyes, letting the DJ lean on my back. "We were literally just on tour together."

"Yeah, that may be true, but you were fucking Rih most of the time."

I choked, hitting the DJ before she could move out the way. Another body plopped down next to me, a head laying on my shoulder, "She's right Y/N."

"Oh shut up." I pushed the drummer off of me. "You and Cam were up each other's asses more than Rob and I."

I watched Violet turn a light red, her eyes widening as she struggled to get out, "N-No we weren't."

"Yes, you were Purp. Don't think I forgot about the dressing room shits; What's up with y'all?"

"What's up with who?"

Olivia smirked, "You and Purp."

Her cheeks tinted, those brown eyes darting down to the floor as the drummer murmured, "Why are y'all such assholes?"

"You are what you eat...Wait."

It was too late, all of us bursting into laughter as Liv tried to backtrack, ultimately failing.

"Liv you eat ass?! That's crazyyyy."

She smacked her teeth. "But you really do eat ass."

"Don't start cappin now."

"Bro, so if Rih told you to eat her ass...you ain't doing it?"

My eyes darted to the left, "Now I didn't say that."

"You'd eat Rih's-"

My phone rang, the unreleased song 'Get You' blaring into the open room as 'My Angel😇😈🥰' lit up my screen. I held up a hand, the entire room going quiet as I answered the phone.

"Hey babe."


The girls giggled quietly as I groaned. "What do you want Angel?"

"I can't figure out what I want to wear on the plane. It gets soooo cold."

I gave Liv a fierce glare when she began to mock Robyn, turning my volume down. "Why don't you just take one of my hoodies?"

"Ooooo, can I take the black one?"

"Which black one?" I snorted, "I have like 30."

She hummed, the sound of hangers moving making me snicker. Of course, she was in the closet.

"Can I FaceTime you when I decide?"

"Whatever you want Angel."

There was a muffled laugh, "You're getting soft."

"That's coming from the person who calls me Teddy."

"Fuck you Line."

"Bye Robyn."

The moment the phone hung up, they all burst into laughter.

"She calls you Teddy?!" Liv snorted.

"Yeah, cause I fuck her like a bear."

Their laughter increased in volume as I face palmed, instantly regretting my sentence.

"How do you, a writer, say the dumbest shit ever?"

My eyebrows furrowed as I glared at Cam, "Fuck you, Cam. I'm shooting your ass right in the throat."


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