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"Alright! Who's on my team?"

"I wanna be on Z's team!"

I clapped my hands, pointing at the little boy. "That isn't what I asked, but ok! Princess, you're with me."

I finished typing in the names, going over to my lane as soon as I was finished.

It was family night and Z decided to tag along, so the four of us went bowling.

Milo decided to go first, taking his six pound bowl and rolling it between his legs. Zen gave his excited self a high five as the rest of us watched the ball roll straight down the lane, somehow knocking down every pin.

"Alright Milo! That's my son!"

"Ma, he's on the the opposite team!"

"So. Support your brother."

The girl rolled her eyes, picking up her eight pound ball and rolling it down the lane smoothly; her foot crossing the other behind her. There was no noise until it hit the pins; a loud crash filling our area.

Her smile was smug as Zen clapped. "Alright, T. Bowling team champ."

Trinity blushed. "Not yeeeet."

Sliding my wrist brace on, I tightened the straps and smirked at Zen. "The professionals are going to win."

"You are not a pro."

"Then why do I have my own ball?" I chuckled, picking up the fourteen pound blue sphere.

She rolled her eyes. "Cause you're an asshole. Plus, we all have our own ball."

"But I've had mine the longest!" I called, stepping up two planks left of the center dot.

Breathing in and out, I swung my arm back; my hand coming straight up before I shot it forward, my wrist twisting in a way that probably looked dangerous.

The ball hit the lane loudly, swiftly rushing to the right side of the lane before booking last minute and hitting the middle pin; the strike loudly announcing itself to the bowling alley.

"Show off." Zen smacked her teeth as two old ladies next to us clapped.

"Strong , tall, and handsome?" I chuckled, leaning over the divider. "Your girlfriend is very lucky, dear."

"Thank you."

"Oh!" The more wrinkly one blushed. "You're a girl."

My grin made my cheeks raise. "It's the tattoos, isn't it?"

"Yes dear. I'm so sorry."

"It's fine." I waved, turning to watch Zen bowl. "I thought growing my hair out would help though." Zen also got a strike. "Alright then, love! Put up a fight."

A tug on my hoodie made me turn, the old woman whispering, "Don't go easy on her!"

Nodding with laughter, I winked at her.

"Yes, ma'am."


"Are you finna show them what you do Line?!"

I shook my head. "Nah, nah Liv. They ain't ready."

The D.J. gave me a stale look, scratching the track. "Line. Throw that shit back."

"Yeah." Zen whispered as she came up behind me. "Throw that ass back, babygirl."

I snorted before whipping my imaginary weave and lifting an eyebrow. "Are you gone catch it, Daddy?"

"Like a baseball."

"Oh word?" I teased, beginning to move my hips against hers. "Let me see it then."

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