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NO EDIT🤪 ZONE💃🏽 oh yeah warning ⚠️

The sound of the shower water running was like a sirens call to me. While we got ready, she had decided to take a shower beforehand, leaving the bathroom door wide open as if inviting me to join her.

I already knew she was trying to get me; after all, she had told me to meet her at the pool.

But man, the way my dick was set up, I don't think I could wait.

Just the thought of the shower head raining droplets down her thick hips, beads of water cascading between those perfect titties-

I was up in my feet before I knew it, my clothes being taken off at a rapid pace as I moved towards the bathroom. My mind was thinking of only one thing, and that was Robyn. The rest of me was just moving according to my wants.

Fog had filled the bathroom, despite the door being open. Closing said door quietly, I tiptoed into the huge spa-like room. The first thing I noticed was the lace thong she had left on the floor. Next was her bra, equally racy in nature as it laid closer to the sink. Finally my eyes caught her flawless legs, trailing up until I saw that natural round ass.

I don't know if she had been eating more or something, but I swear to god that her ass had grown immensely since I first met her.

Continuing my journey up her body, next was her back, her star tattoos leading to her neck. It was only then I registered she was humming something, a smile quickly crossing my face when I registered the tune.

"Sex On The Beach huh?" Her head turned, the hands that were running through her hair falling on to her hips. "Didn't know you listened to Exhale."

"Your ass is hardheaded," I could see her nipples hardening by the second, "I told you to meet me at the pool."

Staring into her eyes, I shedded my Calvin Klein underwear, opening the glass shower door. "The moment you left the bathroom door open," I stepped into her space, forcing her to step back against the marble wall. "I think you changed your mind."

Her green eyes turned dark as she stared up at me, the hot shower water beating against my side and back. Steam began to float up between us as she broke eye contact, looking down at her hand that began to rub my abs. The whisper she let out was almost inaudible over the water.

"You're so hardheaded."

I slid my hand under her hair against her neck, leaning down to place a kiss on her forehead. I kept my lips against it, murmuring into her skin, "You like it though."

When I pulled back, her eyes did one more once over before she caught my gaze, sighing. "I really do."

My hands slid to the front of her neck, veins rippling underneath my skin as I gripped it just the way she liked before placing a chaste kiss on her lips. Another came after that, the multiple quick kisses that followed irritating her before I gave her a proper slow kiss. Her mouth moved the practiced dance in perfect sync with me.

To others, it may have looked sloppy. The amount of tongue we used and the way we moved out heads probably would throw people off. But it was perfect for us, something we both liked no matter how weird it may have looked.

Her hands came up to grip my wrists, holding me against her neck for a few before pulling downwards. I let her guide me, her curves filling my palms as she lead me down to her hips. When I gripped them tightly, she let go, wrapping her arms around my neck as her kissing began to get more aggressive. A wet smack filled the room before I gripped her ass tightly, the moan she let out being swallowed by the kiss.

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