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Ok this really the last time she up there...I think😂

"So you were going to marry Rih?"


"You two broke up?"


"And now she's pregnant?"


"With your baby?"

"She never cheated on me. It was just something she said out of spite."

"So...she didn't screw Hikaru?"

"No Frank."

He sighed leaning back on my couch in the living room. Trinity and Milo were at school, which gave me some time to finally talk to someone; my person of choice being Frank. For some reason, he was with Violet, so the guitarist ended up tagging along.

"Does she...does she want it?"

Running my hand through my hair, I nodded. "I don't think she could handle getting rid of another baby."

Fuck. That's not what I meant to say.

"Another baby?"

Reluctantly nodding again, I sighed. "She was pregnant during our trip and...she decided to get an abortion."

A look of sadness crossed Violet's face while Frank whispered, "Oh Y/N."

"She said she wasn't ready but," I shook my head. "I don't know now. The reason we broke up is because she can't handle kids, so why does she suddenly want..." I lifted my hands in confusion before dropping them on my lap.

The quietness in the room was greatly appreciated. I don't think I could handle Cam trying to comfort me, or Liv cursing Rih out. It just...it wouldn't help me.

"Well." Frank started with a sigh. "I think the thought of having three kids at once scared her."

"But-" I huffed. "It's not like they're bad kids."

"You're right." Violet added. "They aren't bad at all. However, T is a mourning teenager who has lost three people that meant the world to her in a very short time. Milo can't even understand what he's lost yet, but imagine when he does." I stayed quiet. "On top of that, she's pregnant. That means her hormones are all out of wack. She's probably scared that she'd blow up on kids for something minor because of the pregnancy."

"And with them being in a very fragile state," Frank shrugged. "You know how much it'd hurt them."

Violet got up and sat next to me, wiping tears I didn't know had shed. "As much as I disagree with y'all breaking up, I can understand why a person would hesitate to take them on; especially a pregnant one."

Sniffling, I nodded, my head drooping before I looked back up at her. "I love her Vi." I probably made an ugly ass face as I slumped into her shoulder, sobbing. "I love her so much!"

A hand rubbed on my back, but I was too busy crying to know who's it was. I could only guess it was Frank when he began to speak. "She loves you too. She'll never stop loving you. But sometimes, people's situations don't mesh well and...it causes a split."

I stayed quiet.

He was right. Our circumstances just didn't work well for each other and honestly, that was probably the best way for us to end it.

No cheating. No falling out of love. None of that ultra dramatic shit.

In fact, if she wasn't pregnant, I'm sure we would've been more cordial about breaking up.

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