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You should already know what I'm going to say😂 No edit🤪

"Come on Robyn; you can't possibly still be mad."

"Leave me alone Y/N."

"Why?" I huffed, "So you can think yourself into a coma? I don't think-."

"You're not going to-"

"No. You're not going to interrupt me." My voice was firm as we stared at each other from opposite sides of the limo, the air as thick as it was tense.

Her eyes were fierce as she glared at me, and for once I thought she was going to slap the shit out of me...but then she started crying.

What the fuck...

"Come here, Angel." I commanded, my voice soft as a cloud.

The sobbing woman scooted her way to me, putting herself on my lap and shoving her face into my neck.

I was utterly confused.

The Bajan hadn't returned any of my calls while I was at the hospital, the airport, and on the plane. In fact, I wasn't even sure how she knew what day I left and when I landed.

However, she was there when I landed, frowning at me from the moment the door of the jet landed. I didn't get an 'I miss you' hug or anything.

Now here she was, crying in my arms, mumbling something incoherent.

"You're going to have to speak up, babes."

Robyn lifted her head, wiping away a few stray tears. "I thought I lost you and Y/N-" The tears came right back. "I can't lose you too."

"Too?" I cupped her cheek, "What do you mean too?"

The pop star gripped my shirt. "My cousin Tavon..."

"Oh, babe no." Kissing her forehead I pulled her back into hold. "I'm ok. The idiot's gun just-."

"You looked so weird when I answered. Just pale and-" Her hands searched for words till her mouth could find them, "-drained. Then you said that you got shot and I was just so scared. If it wasn't for me being able to see you, honest to god, Y/N...I would've came right back home."

"Well I'm glad you didn't." I joked as we stopped. "You would've missed your mom's home cooked meals."

Robyn hummed, leaning back and fixing her face. "I'm hungry now."

Just like that huh?

"Then let's get you fed."

After grabbing my bags and thanking the driver, we made our way into the spacious home. I knew Rob had bought her mom this home from Oprah, but being in front of it? I realized the show didn't quite do it justice.

Taking out her keys from her pocket, she opened the door, yelling out, "Mommy! Raj! I'm home!"

"What's with that voice? Ya' fussy?" Came a deep response, those gorgeous green eyes widening immensely.

Around the corner came a tall light skin with Robyn's exact smile, the bad gal automatically rushing over to him as she gasped, "Is that my brudah?!"

Snickering quietly at her nickname for him, I set my suitcase down watching them hug tightly. After a few seconds and some hushed whispers, she wiggled out the hug; her brother giving me a once over with an accepting smile. "Is that her?"

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