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"Good morning, Little Angel." I whispered softly, lifting her out the hospital cradle. "How was your first night out the womb?"

 "How was your first night out the womb?"

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"You act like she just got out of jail." Zen yawned, her head still Robyn's shoulder.

The new mother was still sound asleep, exhausted from the hectic birth.

Giggling, I began to softly rock Zara in my arms. "Maybe the womb is just a New Zealand jail for babies?"

"It is-" The actress snickered. "-too early, for your shenanigans."

Zara cooed, making my eyes widen. "Ohhhhh! I think my Little Angel disagrees."

She cooed again, a little hiccup following; Zen and I awing at the adorable noise.

"Who am I to argue with that?"

There was a knock on the door, both of us turning to see Frank and Violet standing in the door.

I grinned.

"Perfect. Come meet your god kid."

Violet's eyes instantly widened, looking behind her before pointing at a frozen Frank.


I chuckled deeply, nodding. "You too, idiot."

Tears filled those soft eyes, my guitarist shaking her head. "No way."

"Yes way." I countered, looking at my friends. "I think you two are awesome, and if anything were to happen to me," Glancing down at Zara, I smiled gently. "I know y'all would make sure they'd be ok."

Violet sniffled. "What about Zen?"

The actress and I shared a laugh. "She's basically Mommy number two, but she's Greyson's god mom."

"Wouldn't be surprised if they call her Mommy at some point." Robyn yawned as she woke up, smiling at everyone in the room. "Morning."

Frank spoke for the first time. "You agreed with her choice for god parents?"

The singer nodded. "You and Violet are awesome. Plus, Mel said she's cool with being the favorite aunt."

Violet chuckled, an almost shocked smile on her face as she joked, "She'll have to fight Liv for that title."

That made the Bajan smile. "I'm sure."

"Now come hold her."

The guitarist nodded, immediately coming over and sitting in the recliner I was just in; trying to wipe all the tears from her face as she positioned her arms to hold Zara.

My daughter was quietly looking at me, her eyes a mixture of mine and her mother's green. It was beautiful, just like her. Smiling, I carefully placed her into Violet's arm; the newborn fussing before shifting her gaze to the guitarist and smiling.

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