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Don't kill me?😬😂 still not edited btw

"Oh my-" "Yes! You brought food."

Zen's jaw dropped in pure shock as a very pregnant Robyn grabbed the food out of her hands with a wide smile.

"Thank you, Zen." The expecting woman placed a quick kiss on her cheek before waddling toward the living room.

Staying quiet, I looked over at Zen, only to find her glaring at me. I lifted my hands up in surrender.


"This isn't funny Y/N."

Cringing, I let out an awkward cough. "There's no joke being told."

"Not one that I'm in on." The actress murmured under her breath.

I frowned. "Zen-"

"Teddy! Is the cheesecake mine or-?!" Robyn's curious voice bounced off the walls of the huge house.

"It's Z's, Angel! Do not eat it."

There was a brief silence followed by some crumbling and a dejected, "Ok..."

Chuckling under my breath, I turned back to Zen. "If you want to leave, that is fine. However, I promise that there is no joke being played on you. Robyn is pregnant, but we're not together. In fact, I don't even live here anymore."

"You're not leaving her alone with the baby are you?"

My eyebrows furrowed at the accusation and sudden change of heart. "Of course not! That's going to be my heart."

A small smile lifted the corner of her mouth, but it didn't stay as she sighed, running a hand through her curls. I stared, waiting for some type of response.

"Are you guys coming? I think I might eat someone's brownie?"

To my surprise, Zen snickered, walking past me and towards the living room.

Honestly, I was stunned for a second. Nonetheless, I followed.

"Your cravings must be in full effect." The actress teased, pulling the small container of cheesecake from her hands.

Robyn watched her with a classic puppy dog pout. "Yeahhh. It's mostly desserts. Nothing weird."

"Tell that to the lemonade you drank the other day."

Of course, Zen was confused. "What's weird about lemonade?"

"Nothing!" Robyn quickly tried to hide, but it wasn't happening.

"Her lemonade was basically pure lemon juice. No sugar, no nothing. Just a sour liquid."

"Ew." Zen laughed, pulling her food out of the bag.


"When Teddy puts one of these parasites in you," I choked, Zen's face turning a bright red. "Come talk to me. I literally am just giving her what she wants."

"Him." I coughed, pounding my fist against my chest.

"Don't start. I know my baby a girl, Line."

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