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Ten years later and woah! The (most likely) final update!

"Get your son, Robyn!"

"Only if you get your daughter!"

Robyn and I were chasing the toddling toddlers as they ran around the living room, and man...they were fast as fuck!

I mean, I was honestly surprised their little baby legs could carry them so far so fast.

It was like whenever they would get within arm's reach, they'd make a sharp turn, power on the turbos, and easily get right back out of reach; restarting the chase all over again.

They were definitely missing dessert for this.

Suddenly the door opened, the twins immediately running over to the tall woman entering the house with synchronized: "Mama!"s.

"Hey, precious babies!" She placed her hand on each of their heads, her rounded belly preventing her from doing any kind of bending.

The teenager to her right placed a hand on her shoulder with a soft, "I got 'em, Ma," picking up the little girl and then the boy with an amused, "Hey runts."

Zara instantly gave her a toothy grin, returning her greeting with an excited, heartwarming, "Hey T-T!"

Greyson was a little shyer, my son adorably offering a cute, raspy, "Hey 'Rinity."

Awwww . . . almost enough to make you want two more.

Nearly cooing at the sight of my children, I carefully slid my phone out of my pocket to capture the moment, only to furrow my eyebrows when I realized one was missing.



The toddlers nearly fought their older sister trying to get to their brother, scrambling off of her and into his arms as he laughed at them. "Hi, little sidekicks!"

"H-h-how was your day, 'ilo?"

I smiled softly at the genuine, calm curiosity expressed by Baby Teddy, watching the strong boy lift them both in his arms and slowly retell his entire day to them.

What did I do to deserve them?

The question was something to ponder even more as I entered the kitchen, the loves of my life tangled up against the island; Robyn beating me to Zen for a kiss.

I could barely hear her checking on the actress with quiet, tender, "You ok, Dove?"s and soft smooches.

"No need to coddle her, Rob." I joked, leaning over her to kiss Zen square on the lips with an equally gentle, "Hey baby."

"I know you're not talking about coddling when you literally carried her ass to bed yesterday." The words were spoken harshly, but the smile on her face was the sweetest thing that could be seen.

"She said her feet hurt!" I whined, pouting in jest as I countered with a quick, "You're the one who literally paid for someone to open doors, carry her luggage, and spoon feed her while she had to fly home from her photoshoot."

"And? You-"

"Both spoil me." Zen finished with a sigh, cupping our faces together before giving us a joint push away from her. "Now help me cook dinner before Milo's distraction wears off and the tiny demons try to kill us."

"Oh you don't know the half of it."

Zen glanced between the two of us with a quirked eyebrow, chuckling at our shared demise before announcing, "We should get a chef. I'm tired of cooking."

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