C H A P T E R 2 9

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Even I don't know why this one so long. No edit gang tho😭

"Ok, so," She panted, taking even more of the blanket from me before placing herself comfortably on my chest. "We gotta do something about that energy of yours."

"My energy?" Rolling my eyes, I passed her the blunt, exhaling the smoke into the air as she put it out. "You're the one with the infinite sex drive."

"Ok, but can I be honest?" Her eyes were oddly vulnerable as she rolled over, her ass peaking out the blanket.

"Yeah, go ahead." I nodded, putting my attention back to where it was supposed to be: her eyes.

"No one's ever been able to like, keep up keep up with me. Like, you've been fucking me nonstop and not once have I not enjoyed it."

I chuckled,"I'm glad to hear that."

"And it's not just the fucking either," There was a pause, her eyes darting away for a second before resumed speaking. "It's you in general. You keep me entertained and grounded at the same time. I feel like, I don't know, like you're the one I've been waiting for. I'm happy to have met you."

My teeth were on full display as I sat up, cupping the sides of her face and kissing her forehead. When I was done, I gave her a small smile whispering, "It almost sounded like you were about to say you love me."

She smacked her teeth. "Now I love you, but I'm not in love with you." I giggled as she rolled off the bed, pulling all the blankets with her. "Remember, we were like best friends first. I love all my best friends."

"Alright Robyn. I get it." I playfully droned, walking behind her into the bathroom. When she sat on the toilet, I almost broke my mask. Instead, I placed my hand on my chest, looking down at her. "Hurt a girl's feelings will you?"

She glared, still looking up at me with her Gucci blankets covering her nudity. I lifted an eyebrow, "You know I've seen all of you right?"

Robyn huffed, "Will you just get out?"

"Oh~" I chided, "The bad girl does get shy."

Those green eyes turned soft, her lip coming out as she pouted. "Please Teddy?"

I rolled my eyes, turning and walking out, "Stop calling me that Angel."

"I'm no angel."

"And I'm no teddy." I countered.

I walked into her closet, grabbing her personalized Fendi blanket and plopping back on the bed.

I grabbed my phone and went to, guess where? Twitter.

@hoeingforY/N: at this point, fuck Valentine's Day. I'll be alone forever.

@Underline: @hoeingforY/N that's not the spirit



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