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Yawning loudly, I leaned up only to be pushed back down by a body sleeping soundly on top of me.

I frowned, opening my eyes sleepily.

Am I...this is Robyn's room.

"Good morning sleepyhead." A soft voice whispered in my ear, heat blossoming in my chest as I turned to see my curly haired lover.

My cheeks lifted in a sleepy smile. "You just gave me major déjà vu."

The actress leaned forward, kissing my neck and murmuring, "Did I?"

I nodded. "Robyn said the same thing when the three of us first slept in a bed together."

"Anti Gaming Night." A familiar accent murmured into my chest, making me look down between Zen and I. The Bajan's eyes were still closed as she snuggled into my side. "You beat Chris on Just Dance."

"That's cause I'm the shit."

Robyn yawned. "More like a piece of shit."

I smacked my teeth.

But you're laying on me.

"Am I cooking breakfast?" I asked, letting her have that insult.

The pregnant woman perked up, staring at me with bright, pouty eyes. "Please?"

"Waffles and bacon?" Zen specified. "I know Rih has a waffle iron."

"Y'all really been hanging out with each other," I grumbled before sighing, "Ok. Let me shower first."

The actress followed me as I walked into the bathroom, my eyebrow lifting in confusion. She just shrugged, "Conserving water."

Suddenly Robyn was behind Zen, her arms encircling around the younger woman's small waist; her raspy morning voice low as she sang, "Good morning, Dove."

Zen and I shared shivers as the Bajan kissed the base of her neck, walking past us and beginning to run her own water.

"What was that?"

"My good morning text."

My head whipped over to her as the shower was also turned on. "She sends you good morning texts like that?"

"Mhmmm." The actress hummed, staring as Robyn waddled toward the sink; grabbing towels for the two of us.

"Here you go." She was about to turn, but paused; pressing her lips against mine until I responded. After a few seconds what felt like eternity, she pulled away whispering, "Good morning, Teddy."

Sighing with a hazy smile, I began to shed my clothes.

"Just like I remember."

After a few beats of awkwardness, the two women followed suit; Robyn whistling from the jacuzzi when Zen dropped her underwear.

"Take it off, take it off."

I chuckled deeply from the shower, watching Zen blush as she joined me in the glass box. "I try and tell her she sexy."

"With a body to match."

Zen rolled her eyes playfully, putting her forehead in my shoulder as we sat underneath the pulsing water. "Y'all play too much."

"So are you guys doing anything?"

I shook my head, moving side to side slowly. "Not that I know of."

"That means you should come over." Zen called, turning to look at Robyn.

My eyes scanned Robyn's face before beginning to trail downwards. Water was dripping from her neck to her chest, one droplet in particular clinging to her hard nipples before falling into the body of water. "If it's ok with Teddy, sure."

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