C H A P T E R 1 7

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Y'all. I get so easily distracted. This was supposed to come out immediately after Chapter 16😂

A sweet sigh left me when her fingers grazed my scalp. Zen giggled, scratching the spot again to make me smile.

We were watching Adventure Time, my head in her lap as she decided to trace my various tattoos. She'd laugh when I cringed or shivered, but nonetheless we were comfortable.

Her hand left the bottom of my scalp, going down to trace the outline of the nearly empty milkshake glass on my neck.

"Why's it empty?"

"The person who I got it for isn't here to drink it again."

"I'm sorry." She went silent, going further down to my shoulder. "Love hurts?"

I laughed, "It's both a dumb, sudden tattoo and a song I made." Her laugh made me look up. "What?"

"The tattoo is a spur of the moment thing, and yet, you have you have a 'patience' tattoo right under it."

I lifted up, joining her in laughter. "Look, I never claimed to have good reasons for them."

She raised her hands, "I know, I know." A snicker. "Still funny though."

Even though I was laughing, I shook my head, grabbing my switch controller to pause the cartoon. At the time, Jake was in a hot tub with an Owl.


"Let's go swimming, babe."

"Like now?" Her voice raised nervously.

I smirked, "Yeah, like now."

"D-Do you even have a swimsuit?"

"Mhm." I pulled off my shirt, walking towards the room my clothes were stationed in. "I'll meet you at the pool."

Before I could get far, the sound of scampering paws made me turn around, smile, and plop down on the floor with open arms. "Hey buddy!"

"Babe, Noon doesn't like..." I looked up, continuing to rub the Miniature Schnauzer that was stationed on my lap. "...people."

"Your mommy doesn't know every dog loves me, does she buddy? No, she doesn't; no, she doesn't!" I babied him, rubbing his head gently.

Zen pulled out her phone, snapping a picture. My phone immediately vibrated in my pocket, frightening the dog which made him jump in my lap.

"Sorry Noon." Z whispered, watching me give him one last belly rub before letting him scamper off.

"Whatcha tag me in?"

She smirked, a sexy ass look on her, before she walked away. "I have to put my swimsuit on Line."

I rolled my eyes, calling out, "Whatever babe!" and immediately opening Twitter.

@Zendaya: idk how she got Noon to like her, but I think this is a sign we're good together

@Zendaya: idk how she got Noon to like her, but I think this is a sign we're good together

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