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"They ok?"

"Yeah, they're fine. Look." My mom chuckled, turning the camera to show me Milo talking to Greyson; the baby boy giggling as his brother made silly faces.

Trinity sat nearby, quietly holding Zara while running her fingers through her curly hair; the angel smiling in her sleep.

I shook my head. "She's going to spoil her."

"Like you haven't already." Zen whispered next to me, the two of us silently letting a crew touch up our make up.

As I went to retort, I heard my mom coo, "You going to say hi to your Daddy? Yes, you are. Yes you are!"

Greyson's tiny face was smiling adorably into the camera, his mouth occasionally opening to make the cutest baby noises.

My heart warmed, my own mouth opening to softly utter, "Hi, Baby Bear. How's Mama's precious boy?"

"You call yourself Mama?" My mom's voice was confused.

"Yeah." I chuckled softly. "It's what the kids call me."

My mom flipped the camera, her eyebrows furrowed as she asked, "Shouldn't they call you, I don't know, Daddy? I mean, Zen is practically their Mama and we all know Robyn is-"

"Mommy." Zen and I finished, not caring about the looks the crew were giving us.

I sighed, shrugging in my slightly tight suit. "It's up to Trinity. Lo doesn't care."

"Your kids have weird ass names." My eyebrows scrunched up as I laughed. "I mean, I'm glad though. If you named them Chad and Betty, I would've had to assume you hated them."

"Dang Ma. Must you be so mean to all the Chads and Bettys?"

She rolled her eyes, before relenting; adding a quick, "Your right. Sorry Chads and Wendys."

Zen giggled, quietly muttering, "We gotta go babe."

"Alright." Clearing my throat, I reluctantly waved. "See ya later Ma. Love y'all."

"We love you too!"

The beeping in the phone was louder than I wanted to be, a comfortable silence overtaking me and Zen before I randomly asked, "Wait, so am I really giving this speech?"

The producer nodded as my stylist fixed my suit. "We thought it'd be best to have someone who knew her to give the award. Plus the viewers will just eat it up!"

Yeah, fuck you and your ratings. I want to see my babies.

"Hey." Zen's voice was hushed as she leaned over to my ear. "This gives you a chance to declare your undying love for her."

That made me smile, my own body leaning over to her so I could counter, "But then they'd have to give you an award too."

Her cheeks turned dark, one of her perfectly manicured hands smacking my stomach. "Stop. My blush shows up on cameras."

"Oh," The curtain raised, my smirk not replacing the amusement in my eyes. "My bad."

The audience applauded wildly as we stepped on to the stage, the announcer's voice echoing, "Grammy Nominated Rapper Underline and Euphoria star Zendaya."

Offering her my arm, the actress took it with a pouting smile; the two of us giggling as we made our way to the mic waiting for us.

When we got there, Zen stood in front of me; my arms around her waist as we waited for the introduction music to stop. Even when it did, we had to wait for the crowd to calm at the sight of us hugging.

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