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Once again, I give it to y'all raw- I MEAN...unedited😂

A nailed fingertip running over my scabbed wound startled me awake; my body shooting up with a gasp as I looked towards where Robyn normally lays.

She wasn't there, so my neck pivoted until my eyes caught onto her beautiful face. There she was; on her stomach with her feet in the air as she traced a hand up and down my abdomen. I could feel my cheeks raise naturally as I smiled at her, feeling around for her hand as I laid back against the pillows.

Already knowing what I was looking for, she slid her palm into mine; allowing me to lift our joined hands to my lips.

"Good morning, gorgeous." I murmured into the back of her hand, my voice still laced with sleep.

The Bajan gave me a half raised smile, which made me kiss her wrist.

Better than yesterday.

"Your sleepy voice is so sexy." Her eyes were wide awake even as she laid her head on my stomach.

I laughed softly, dropping my hand to my side but still leaving our handhold. "Liv calls it the same thing. She says it makes hoes wet."

"Well I'm no hoe but," Her hand continued to trace along my abs. "I might be wet."

I snickered. "Has your bleeding stopped? Because as much as I love you, I'm no vampire."

"Oh my god, yes it stopped. Ewwwwwww." Came the childlike response, her hand smacking my leg, "You're so nasty sometimes."

"Says the bad girl."

She stuck out her tongue at me. "And don't you forget it."

We both giggled, the bad girl's ass bouncing with each laugh.


"Get up here."

"What?" She laughed.

I pulled against our handhold, the islander immediately getting the memo and lifting onto her knees.

Reaching behind me, I grabbed one of the various pillows and placed it under my neck; looking up at Robyn as she straddled my face.

"Hey." I murmured as I pressed my lips against her inner thigh.

A shiver visibly ran through her before she chuckled softly; looking down at me with nothing but lust clouding her vision as she whispered, "Hi."

"How'd you get your panties off so fast?"


"Rob! Do you and Li-OH WOAH!"

We both scrambled apart, Robyn damn near falling off the bed. My hands encircled around her waist, yanking her down so that we both were under the covers.

A gasp left her when my bulge pressed against her ass, but I just shushed her; clenching my jaw tightly.

There was a long silence before the creak of the door broke it. I glanced over Robyn's shoulder to see Rorrey standing there with an annoyed look on his face.

I cleared my throat, glancing down before, nervously, smiling up at him. "Heyyy Ror-"

"Don't 'heyyy' me. I'm tired of catching y'all."

Robyn smacked her teeth. "Maybe if you learned to knock-"

"Don't wanna hear it."

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