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F.Y.I. In this Work video, Line dances better than Drake...just..had to say it💀

"Is all the ice cream gone?"

I snickered, "Rob.. it's been a month. Yes, it's gone."

"Oh, why did you remind me?" She pouted. "We leave next week."

We were getting ready to go to shoot a video at a jerk place down the street; something Rob had really looked forward to since the abortion.

Not to say she hadn't been happy since.

It took about a week for her to get back in her groove; her brothers helping me raise her spirit immensely.

We had explored the entire island and went to the beach multiple times. While exploring, we had found two places Robyn really wanted to shoot our secret song Work there. It was a jerk place, but she wanted to have a dancing-party type video so the owner wasn't too keen on it.

After about two days of begging, he finally came through and agreed to let us shoot their for two whole days.

We immediately flew out her dancers and two directors: Director X and Tim Erem. Both took to the party idea, but X called dips first. Tim wasn't mad though, already having an idea and set in mind.

Tim's chill video was first, both of us absolutely loving it. All we did was be our normal silly selves, something Tim said really showed through the camera.

Even our outfits showed our personality, mine dripping with chill while Rob wore a see through top; exposing those pierced nipples.

She thought I would be mad at it, but I wasn't. No one else touched them while she was mine so, it didn't matter.

Plus the set was small, so there wasn't a lot of people there besides the small crew. While we did that, X was planning his video.

It took X less than half day to set up, while Rob told her dancers and friends to just act like it was an actual party over the phone. They did a little choreography for the camera, but ultimately promised for it to be freestyle.

That left one more day, today, to shoot the other video.

Everyone was ready and prepared already, which just left Rob and myself.

We were probably the most prepared, considering we were just going to a party with a camera rolling.

The sound of the bathroom door closing pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Are you read-" My eyes glanced up and down her body before I smirked, waving a finger at her dress. "Nips out again?"

"No." Her bottom lip jutted out. "I was trying to see which bikini would go good underneath it."

Sitting up straight, I opened my hands before clasping then together again. "Show me."

Walking back into the bathroom, Rob returned just as quickly with two tops. The left one had 'work' written across both nipples while the crotch of the bikini was a simple red and green. The other matched the Tommy Hilfiger dress she wore, probably going with the dress itself.

"I know this one went with it," She held up the right one before switching arms. "But I just wanted to see what you thought."

"While you'd look amazing in both-"

"Shut up."

"I think the right one is best."

Kissing my cheek, she rushed back into the bathroom. "Thank you! You look good yourself."

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