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I'm trying to catch up to Kiah. So if you are reading this and go, "Huh?"....just know I'm behind alright😂 (not for long tho💀)

"Oh, it felt great to fuck you in our bed." I groaned as I stretched, walking into the closet.

She turned around with a grin. "You're telling me. There's nothing like getting fucked into these sheets."

"They don't eat at my knees when I'm..." I thrusted into the air making her giggle. "..in the zone y'know?"

"You honestly are such a child."

I slapped a hand against my chest. "You hurt much feelings."

"And you hurt my ass!" She semi pouted. "What was that all about?"

Now in shorts, I walked back out with a smirk. "My bad. I don't know if it's just me...but like you've gotten more cake since I met you." I motioned for her to flip over, seeing her ass was indeed red. "Maybe it's all the work I put i-"

"You wish!"

We both laughed as my hand carefully caressed the precious mounds of flesh. "So," I squeezed the left cheek, chuckling at the way she winced then moaned. "What do you want me to do?"

There was a brief silence before she looked at me over her shoulder. "Kiss it better?"

Lifting an eyebrow, I squeezed the other cheek. "Are you asking me to kiss your ass?"

"Both figuratively and literally. Though I'd prefer if you'd..." She trailed off.

"Speak up." I beckoned, squeezing harder.

Her head dropped in a shaky moan making me laugh.

Such a masochist sometimes.

"I said," Her voice was louder but got quieter towards the end. "I'd prefer if you ate it."

My jaw slackened before I burst into laughter. A blush began to spread through her light skin; something that only happened when she was nervous or excited.

I continued to laugh though, both of my hands grabbing each check rubbing in soft circles.

"You're telling me," She gasped when my fingertips pressed into the tender flesh. "The bad girl...wants her ass ate?"


"Nope!" Hooking an arm under her waist, I lifted her up so that her ass was in the arm; her back perfectly arched while she laid her face on a pillow. "You laughed at me when I told you I like to hear you gag on my dick. I can laugh at the fact that you want your ass eaten."

"You're such an asshole."

Leaning down, I placed a kiss between her shoulder blades; pressing my front against her bare ass. "But you love me though."

She smacked her teeth, keeping her head down. "That I do."

"Now shhhh." I whispered. "Let me give you what you want."

Everywhere my lips went, heat raised to meet them. Each kiss was placed equally and precisely, every single one eliciting the best type of shivers from the pop star.

As I got back to her ass, I smacked the left cheek, then the right, then both; pulling them apart to see her tightest hole.

Not going to lie, I did have second thought based on my own worries. But the moment my tongue rimmed her, she let out a super sensual moan. I mean, it was one that I only heard when she was extremely turned on; and that?

That made all my worries just instantly go away.

"Oh god, I'm going to cum like this."

I smirked, "Yeah?"

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