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Aha 🤪

Everything was hazy; my heart in my stomach as I watched them work on the pale newborn. I took a step forward, stumbling a little as I tried to make my way to the crib.

Another wave of nausea washed over me, my motions drunk as I moved through the shock. When one of the nurses moved slightly to the left, I was able to see my-

Oh no.

My heart lurched from my gut to my chest, tightening immensely as bile rose in my throat. I felt...no I was sick to my stomach; nearly throwing up where I stood.

I couldn't move.

In fact, I couldn't breathe.

No, no, no, no...

A scream from Robyn rang in my ears as the Bajan began to push, but even that couldn't make me move.

My eyes stayed glued to the still body of my daughter.

My little angel...

Then they were moving her, urgency rushing through my body as I croaked, "Hey..."

One of the nurses turned to me, a sad look in her eyes as she stepped forward. "I'm sorry, but we need you to stay here."

"My-" I swallowed roughly, watching her cart disappear out the room before looking at the woman. "My ange-"

Her eyes almost seemed glossy as she gently removed her mask, showing me the true compassion and sympathy she had for me. "We're doing everything we can. Right now, the mother of your child needs you."

As if to emphasize the statement, another scream filled the room. My eyes started to burn, unshed tears gathering in both of them.

"H-How-?" My voice caught in my throat, a hand flying to my mouth as I held all my emotions in. The pain was trying to force its way out, keeping it in almost too much to bare. "H-How do I-"

Suddenly, a strong cry filled the room; a baby hollering as it entered into the world full of life.


"I need the father over here!" The doctor yelled, cradling another child with a smile on his face. "Someone's gotta cut it."

The nurse smiled, rubbing my arm before giving me a small nudge and whispering, "Don't miss this moment."

Eyes wide and lost, I allowed myself to be pushed; scissors being placed into my shaky hand before I was placed next to the doctor.

He smiled at me, bringing my child closer and announcing, "A healthy baby boy!"

My eyes filled with tears as I stared at the newborn, who continued to broadcast himself to the world.

My boy made it.

The doctor immediately placed the baby on Robyn's chest, our baby immediately recognizing the heartbeat of the woman who carried him for nine months and quieting down.

Robyn smiled as brightly as she could, cooing, "Hey Little Teddy."

Zen was still watching carefully as I edged closer to the bed.

"Hello." I rasped, a smile lifting my cheeks as I stared at my son.

The doctor gave me a look of pure understanding, hesitantly murmuring, "The cord can be removed now."

Liquid slid down my face as I stared at him, sniffling before shifting toward the cord that attached him to his mother.

My head started to feel fuzzy, hands shaking even more as I stared at the lifeline that's kept her alive.

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