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~2 Months Later~

"So what we're not gonna do is," I panted, taking a deep gulp of my water. "We're not gonna lose the hype halfway through Antidote. Not in LA we not, no."

"Yeahhhh," Liv droned in the mic, "They did lose it somewhere in there."

I threw my hands in the air, walking over to lean on Cam. She snickered, absently twirling her custom black and gold drumsticks. "What do you think Cam?"

The musician shrugged, wiping a piece of hair from her face. "I could've been playing Mario Kart with V."

"Exactly," I agreed, hopping up and bouncing over to Violet. "I got y'all to come out for a live version of Antidote," I lifted my hands up again, Violet imitating me with a impassive look on her face, "And I haven't seen one fucking pit."

The fans started spewing a bunch of excuses, one circle starting to open up in the dead middle. I shook my head.

"It's too late now." Liv voiced for me, the whole audience trying to convince her to start the music again.

Out the corner of my eye, I could see Robyn giggling.

I jogged off backstage, the crowd erupting into chants for me to: "Come! Back!"

Turning off my mic, I walked over to Rob, the beautiful women standing on the sideline watching me.

She shook her head, placing a quick affectionate kiss on my cheek. "They gonna be mad if you leave them."

"I'm not." I joined our lips again for a deeper kiss, one of the stage hands cheering for us until we broke away, "I just needed an excuse to see you. Your sexy ass was distracting me."

"Well I can't exactly turn my sexiness off, can I?"

Slipping my mic on, I shrugged, covering it with my hand. "If you could, I sure haven't seen you do it."

I turned to leave only to be pulled back towards the islander for another long kiss, her hands gripping the front of my shirt to hold me in place. Absently turning my mic off, I could hear Liv giggle on stage saying something along the lines of, "Maybe she'll be persuaded by Rih to come back out."

Said singer smirked into the kiss, a pleased hum vibrating our lips when I squeezed her ass. Before tongue could be involved, I broke the intense kiss, our lips making a wet smack when they pulled apart.

Robyn giggled as the stage hands around us quickly averted their eyes, "Sorry."

Chuckling, I gave her ass another huge squeeze, leaning so I could whisper, "Another one of those and we'd be giving the crowd a different show."

I took off before she could hit me, the huge pool of fans cheering louder than ever the moment they saw me.

"So she returns." Violet snickered into her nearby mic.

I flipped her off, sliding the mic button so that it was on. "I got sidetracked ok?"

"Oh trust me," Cam added, a lazy smirk on her face when I turned to look at her. "We saw."

She, also got the middle finger, my hand staying in the position as I turned to Liv.

The DJ held her hands up in surrender, "I ain't even say shit yet."

"Don't think I ain't hear your ass backstage." That's when I noticed the crowd had quieted, turning to see them waiting expectantly to be paid attention to. "So," I snickered. "Are y'all going to be lit now?"

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