C H A P T E R 2 1

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I never edit once again💀 CROSSOVER TIME🤪🔀

Grabbing the neck of my guitar roughly, I snatched the cable from Liv, plugging in my guitar and immediately beginning the chords.

She gave me an odd look before switching places with Rihanna's DJ, taking over immediately.

The thousands of people cheering seemed to get louder as I made my way towards Rih at the edge of the stage, eyes trained on her as she whipped her hair wildly.

It would've been a surreal moment had my mind not been elsewhere. I just knew by the way the girls in the front row pulled out their phones that my face probably was off.

My mouth was fixed into a smirk, but even I could feel it didn't reach my eyes as I stepped over to the mic, beginning my chorus of woos.

Rih stopped rocking out, her gaze shifting into slight worry when our eyes met. I must've frowned briefly because her head moved back. I could almost hear her say, 'The audacity-' in my head.

There was a spark of something in her eyes before she snatched my mic from its stand, turning to the crowd and belting:

I bet she could only make you cry

My hands almost faltered, eyebrows furrowing as she turned to look me in the eye.

Cause the scars on your heart are still mine

Tell me that she couldn't get this deep

I unintentionally shook my head, stalking towards the singer as she backed away.

She could almost be the worst in me

My upper lip curled in an unheard growl.

Too bad she's just living in your dreams

"Rih." I warned silently, not caring if the crowd saw me. The Bajan didn't seem to care either, closing the space between us and jabbing her finger into my chest.

Let me know when you're ready to bleed

Maybe you just need to send for me

She repeated the last three words as I shredded the guitar, the space between us almost nonexistent until the chorus restarted. I didn't need to sing it this time, which gave me the opportunity to hand off the guitar; Liv tossing me a mic from behind the booth.

I vocalized for a little bit, before spinning toward the Bajan who had started her second verse. She must've been caught off guard at how fast I crossed the stage, because her voice stopped. But I was quick, picking right up.

Ain't nothing else to really talk about

Girl show me what you wanna do

She frowned.

These days I've been feeling lonely.

I placed a hand on my chest.

Yeah, I've been feeling lonely too

Imma fuck it up once you show me sum

I waved a hand, finishing the last line as I walked toward the crowd, playing a air guitar to entertain as we finished the song.

After saying our goodbyes, to the crowd, we did a quick backstage meeting and greet before loading onto the bus.

Everyone was sitting on the couches, my head leaned on my fist as I watched Robyn. Her head turned to me, eyebrows furrowing.

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