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Unedited as shit🤪

"Did you really say 'Suck my cockiness' last night?"

I burst into laughter, wrapping my arms around her even tighter as we snuggled into the bed that sat in the corner of the studio. It was put there for long nights which technically... A big red spot on her throat made me inwardly smirk.

Definitely a long night.

"You missed your chance to tell me to lick your persuasion."

She was quick. "But you did it anyways."

Licking my lips, I placed a kiss on her Rebelle Fleur tattoo, chuckling into her skin when I thought of the Internet reaction to it. I started to drag my tongue up her neck, loving the way she shivered when I reached her jaw.

Placing another kiss there, I moved to her ear,
nipping the star tatted on the inside of it before whispering, "You're such a child."

Her hand flew behind her to hit my arm, making me erupt into laughter.

"You're such an asshole Y/NN."

"But you are though!" I reached my hand up to trace the Rebelle Fleur tattoo, "Your fans told you this tattoo wasn't grammatically correct, but because you were annoyed; you release a perfume named after the very thing they corrected."

There was a brief silence before she snuggled back into me. "Ok, so maybe I was a little petty."

"A little?!" I threw my head back in a throw of laughter. "That's more than a little Rob."

"Shut the fuck Line." She grumbled, standing up with the blankets. She kinda looked like a hospital patient, all her ass cheeks out as she continued. "Don't even know why I gave your ass the time of the day."

A loud smack resounded in the soundproof room, the girl turning to look at me with slightly hazy eyes as I smirked. "I can show you again if you want."

Her left ass cheek was slowly turning red, but she didn't seem to mind. In fact, I knew Rob didn't.

The Bajan loved it rough. The shit put her on a new level. All the kinky shit she's ever sung about has been true.

So as lust began to fill her eyes, her small smile hidden as she turned away from me, I knew she was getting turned on. However, she still uttered the words, "I'm leaving."

Rolling my eyes, I lifted up, the thin blanket falling to reveal my naked form as I grabbed the sides of her waist; grunting, "Oh, no you're not." With one strong pull, her entire being was moving towards me, her loud squeal making me giggle when she landed on top of me.


Franks voice was a background noise as I stared at Rob with a smirk, watching her struggle to pay attention to our team. Her lower half wouldn't sit still, constantly shifting in her seat. When her eyes met mine, my smirk turned into a grin, those green eyes narrowing into a scowl.


Both of our eyes flew to meet Frank, the normally calm man wearing an uncharacteristic frown. I couldn't help but snort, chuckling quietly as he rolled his eyes. Robyn joined in, her laugh making me even more amused.

Frank groaned, placing a hand on his forehead. "If you two would please stop eye fucking-"

"We're not eye fucking." Came our joint response.

His eyes darted back and forth, the stale look on his face looking more fake than monotonous. "And I'm not gay."

I frowned, "Frank, we're not eye fucking." An annoyed grunt left my nose. "Plus, you're bisexual."

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