C H A P T E R 3 8

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Hold on to your seatbelts lads. Grab tissue🧻, a drink🥃 , and a teddy bear🧸 It gets rough

"Doggies! C'mon Rex!"

"Wait Milo! Rex has to eat!"

I watched the young boy pout at his sister, crossing his arms and sitting on the floor. Being the best boy that he is, Carti padded his way over to the upset child, laying directly in front of him. Milo brightened up, petting the huge dog's fur softly.

My eyes quickly switched to Trinity, pleased to find her eyes the lightest they'd been. A small smile made her dimples show, giving her an even more adorable look in the panda onesie she chose to wear.

Turning some more, I spotted Robyn holding Pepe close to her; those hazel green eyes locked on the kids.

I noticed she'd been stand-offish towards them, but I just dismissed it as her not knowing how to approach them after what they went through.

Milo suddenly abandoned Carti, making his way over to Robyn before looking up at her with his innocent eyes. "Can Pepe play?"

After a brief pause, she shook her head. "I'm sorry little prince. Pepe is too small."

Milo pouted. "I promise I'll protect him."

When I noticed Robyn tense up, I stepped in. "You heard the lady, little man. Why don't you go get Preme and bring him down here? I think he could use some indoor exercise."

His frown was upside down instantly. "Ok!"

As he scurried up the steps, I watched Robyn sigh in relief. Lifting an eyebrow, I reached out to hold her hand; recoiling the moment she jumped.

More careful this time, I grabbed her right hand and brought it to my lips, whispering, "You ok?"

"Mhmm." She nodded with a close lipped smile. "Just...tired."

I looked at her for a few seconds before leaning forward, kissing her lips softly. "Go to sleep then. I can handle these rascals."

She smiled, but something was off about it. "Thank you."

Watching her go up the stairs, I felt Trinity come next to me. "Is she ok?"

Staring at the door, I could only answer truthfully. "I don't know..."


"Oh my god, who ate all the Oreos?" Walking into the kitchen, I saw Robyn with her head stuffed into the cabinet. "I bet it was-"

"Actually," I reached over her, pressing my body against hers. "They're right here."

Instead of her pushing back against me like she normally did, she grabbed the cookies from my hand and moved to the counter with a small, "Thank you."

I stood there, honestly perplexed. However, I didn't have time to think about it as Milo came running in the kitchen; his huge tiger teddy bear being dragged in by its tail while the little one was tucked in his hand. I was surprised when he moved past me, going straight to Robyn, who was now eating her breakfast.

"Play Lion King wif me?"

I chuckled, coming over and rubbing his head. "Those are tigers, buddy."

His face scrunched up in thought before he looked back up, smile renewed as he carefully asked, "Play Tiger King wif me?"

Robyn sighed softly, "I would but," I frowned inwardly, "I'm eating little prince."


Before his face could fully fall, I picked him and the big tiger up. "It's ok. I'll play with you."

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