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"Do you want-"

"Ew! Morning breath."

My face fell before I sprung into action, rolling on top of her and pinning her arms above her head. "You got some nerve."

"Line!" Zen squealed, rolling around in my hold as I slowly started to lean down. "Nooooo. Don't kiss me."

I paused, the actress smiling up at me as I pouted. "Any other time, you're begging me to kiss you."

"Arguable." I frowned, ducking down quickly and placing a big wet kiss on her lips. When I pulled away, I laughed at her cringed up face. "Y/N."

"That's what you get!" My laugh was unapologetic as I stood up from the bed, stretching until I heard my back crack; my leg shaking during the soothing process. "Homemade pancakes or Darwin's?"

"You can cook?"

My frown from earlier returned. "Is today 'Be mean to Line' day? Cause I surely didn't get the memo."

"Homemade pancakes then, Bubby."


She smiled innocently. "From Diary of a Wimpy Kid."

I stared at her in pure confusion. "And why are you calling me that?"

"Because it's cute and funny. Like-"

"Me; yeah, yeah. I got it." I snatched the blanket back. "But imma call you it back."

"That's not how it works."

"Sure it does, Bubby."

She let out a low whine. "That's no fun, Line."

"Yeah, you don't like it, do you?"

As I slid on my shorts, there was a small knock on the door. "Ma?"

I smiled.

Gets me every time.

Zen pulled a blanket on her before nodding as I put on a shirt, opening the door. "What's up T?"

"I'm hungry. Can you cook, please?" The teen held her rare puppy dog eyes, silently pleading with me with her stare. To her dismay, I laughed; Trinity groaning, "Ma~"

I snickered. "Alright, alright. I'll cook."

I was going to anyways.

"Yes!" Came the cheerful response. "Can you make-?!"

"Ah, ah." I pushed her softly with one finger. "Go ask your brother what he wants."

A louder groan. "But he's sleeeeeep. Make him chocolate chip waffles."

Placing my hand under my chin as if I was thinking about it, my daughter gave me a sad look before beginning to turn around.

At least she listens.

"Alright." I called, the girl turning to look at me. "Get the stuff out and I'll meet you in the kitchen."

Doing a little happy jump, she reminded me of Faith as she grinned; running to kiss my cheek before bursting out the room, yelling, "Morning Zen!"

I let out a happy exhale, shaking my head before turning to Z; the actress smirking at me.


"You're a good parent." She slid out the bed, coming over and wrapping her arms around my neck. "The little tyke is super lucky."

Placing my forehead against her and holding her waist, I began to rock us side to side to some silent tune.

"Thank you."

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