C H A P T E R 3

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"KID CUDI CALLED YOU KNOWN!" Cameron yelled as we walked into the mansion Frank rented. How this man worked so efficiently, I'll never know.

"You did good today Y/N." He patted my back as we all sat in the living room. "Cudi and Abel said they want to record with you before we leave."

"They did? Like seriously?"

He nodded, going back to the business on his phone.

"You should've seen yourself in there! So many people came up and gave their contact information. You looked real sexy in there too. Rihanna was staring so hard!" Olivia could barely contain the excitement in her voice, staring into space with an odd look in her eye.

"Don't get any ideas, Liv. I know that look." Cam chided, hitting the back of her head softly.

"What's the look?" I lifted an eyebrow.

"Her hor-"

"Shut UP CAMERON!" Olivia exclaimed, hitting her with a pillow to cut her off.

"I'll tell you later."

Violet looked up from her spot on the recliner, her hands lazily strumming her guitar. "Hey, just saying, without my Baby Blue, none of that shit would've happened."

"We know." Everyone groaned.

"That means I want 50%, Y/N. I made you." She frowned, holding it for ten seconds before laughing stupidly.

"You guys are idiots. I don't even know how we're still friends."

"That's a story for another time." Cameron waved her hand in the air, turning to face me, "Do you know what you want to record?"

I scrunched up my eyebrows, jaw setting as I racked through all the songs I've written and album ideas I've joked about.

There was so much stuff... yet so little time.

A sigh left my lips as my shoulders sagged.

I never imagined getting an opportunity like this so quickly.

Sure, I always saw myself being famous and successful, doing the things I want in the way I know best. I just never thought it'd come at such an intense pace.

"Hey." I looked up at Olivia, her face showing a rare serious expression. There was a slight tinge concern in her eyes. "You know we're here, right?"

I stared at her, glancing over to see Violet's strumming had stopped. Frank had also temporarily paused to look up at me. The looks on their faces both unnerved and comforted me.

I offered a small smile to assure them.

"Yeah, I know you're here."

Frank and Purp looked at me for a couple more seconds before busying their hands again.

"Don't stress then! We're all in this together, no high school musical."

"Bars, Liv!" I jumped up, trying to hype her up.

"Hey, I'm the hype man! Don't try to take my job." Her smile was on display as she jumped onto the couch.

"Let me move." Cameron shook her head, "I can already see the crackhead energy."

"BABY DADDY, ARE YOU READY?!" She hollered into an imaginary mic.

"YOU KNOW I AM!" I screamed back.

"I'm going to my room." Frank announced, his small smile not going unnoticed.

"I DON'T THINK YOU ARE. UNDERLINE. ARE? YOU? READY?!" Cameron rolled her eyes, an amused look in them as she watched us jump around.

"I WAS BORN READY!" I shouted loud enough for God himself to hear.

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