C H A P T E R 4 4

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Wait but I edited it just to say no edit 😂

"Now, you already know they're going to compare our suits."

Zen laughed, dropping her towel and standing next to me. "It's all fair in love and war."

I rolled my eyes, spitting out my toothpaste. "Yeah, yeah. What time did Robyn say to pick her up?"

"We have two hours and I got us a limo." I lifted an eyebrow. "She said her dress was a little big."

"Oh, ok." I reached past the naked actress to grab the mouthwash. "Did she say if it covered her stomach?"

The actress nodded. "It was made just for that reason. She said no one should see."

Rinsing my mouth, I gargled a little before spitting the burning liquid into the sink. "Fuck that's strong."

"I told you that when I bought it."

"Did it ease some of her anxiety?" Ignoring her tease, I wiped my face. "That stress can't good for the baby or her."

"A little." She leaned closer to the mirror as she carefully removed the face mask. "She'll be fine with us there."

"Yeah, but you know the tabloids are going to have a field day with this." I waved my hands in the air, already imagining Twitter. "Underline and her underlying threesome! Exclusives with TMZ."

The actress slapped me with an amused laugh. "Shut up."

Smacking her ass in response, I jumped out of the way of the second hit; pointing a knowing finger at her. "You know I'm right."

"You probably are. You're also a silly asshole."

Sneaking up behind her, I pressed myself against her; kissing her neck softly as I murmured, "But would you have me any other way?"

She hummed, turning in my arms and pecking my lips before smirking. "Yup."

I let her go, giving her my 'doubt it' face. "Rude."

"I'm sorry." Came the airy response as she started on her makeup.

"No you're not." I turned around with my nose held up pridefully. "I'll take me, my silliness, and my dick elsewhere."

"Nooooooo." The sarcasm made me snicker. "Don't go."

We both immediately burst into laughter, the actress nearly messing up her eyeliner as she shook with giggles.

I walked into the closet, looking at our outfits and snickering.

They just had to be extra.

By the time it I finished getting dressed, Zen had just finished her makeup.

That gave me every right to tease.

"You'd think it'd be quicker with how many times you've done this before."

She flipped me off, walking into my closet. Seconds later, she came out while sliding on her jacket.

"Each time I do my makeup, my face is slightly different."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I got up and followed her into the closet. "I need to take more time to appreciate your beautiful face."

She paused halfway through pulling on her pants.

"Is that sarcasm?"

Giving her backside a quick swat, I giggled and ran out the closet, yelling, "Only in the first part!"

There was silence.

"You're annoying."

I lifted my head back and laughed mirthfully.

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