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Cameron's House^

My hand aimlessly searched through the dark for my, now, annoying ringing Iphone 7s Plus. It had to be at least 3 a.m.

I groaned when my hand finally found the screaming device, answering it without looking.

"Hello?" I croaked groggily.

"Answer your phone when I repeatedly call you Y/N! You know I don't call you like this!" A voice screeched into the phone, someone loudly cheering in the background.

I moved the phone away from my ear, placing it on speaker as I swung my legs over the edge of my bed to sit up.

"Bigfoot? I'm sorry. What's wrong? Who's cheering?" I rubbed my eyes, stretching until I shook slightly.

"Olivia is! She came here soaked from the rain, screaming. I don't know what's wrong with her!"

"Slow down, Cameron. I'm on my way right now, since you can't seem to tell me what's going on." I spoke as I pulled a shirt over my head.

"Okay." I could almost see her nodding into the phone.

"HURRY UP BITCH! BRING CHAMPAGNE!" Olivia commanded loudly in the background, making me roll my eyes.

"Hang up the phone love."

"Okay." Carti, my German Shepherd, cocked his head to the side.

"Your Aunt is in trouble or something." He whined, nudging me.


I sighed, pulling up my shorts. "You can't come. You have to stay with Preme and Beast. You're the oldest."

"Bark!" He pointed his head towards the sleeping dogs.

I looked in the mirror, my face tired as I made sure my outfit was decent.

I looked in the mirror, my face tired as I made sure my outfit was decent

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"Fuck. I guess." I whistled, making him follow me as I rushed into the garage, sliding into my car.

He climbed across me as I closed the door.

I cruised to Cameron's house, stopping to get the champagne. It took twenty minutes before I was banging on her door, Carti by my side.

"Open the door Cam! It's Y/N!" Carti barked. "And Carti."

The door flew open, Cameron pulling me into a hug, before pulling my hand toward a cheering Olivia and half asleep Violet. I noticed Olivia's hair was still wet.

"THE MAN OF THE FUCKING HOUR! Y/N, my baby daddy in my head, it's time we celebrate."

"Celebrate what, you crazy bitch?" A deep chuckle left my body. "I just woke up."

She squealed. "Oh fuck you still got sleep voice."

"Celebrate what Liv?" I rolled my eyes playfully.

Carti crept from behind me towards Violet, the sleepy girl waking up immediately to pet the dog.

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