C H A P T E R 2 4

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Unedited as fucking always🤪

"WHO THE FUCK-" Liv inhaled sharply, "WHO FUCKED IN THE STUDIO?!"

My own saliva caught in my throat, a loud choke filling the room as Liv flared at Rob and I. I coughed, "It wasn't-" The Bajan's hand began patting my back as I damn near brought up a lung. "It wasn't-"

"NAH! FUCK THAT Y/N!" The DJ held her computer tightly to her chest, her other hand moving frantically as she continued to explain, "IT WAS YOU OR RIH. WE ALL WENT TO BUSCH GARDENS IN TAMPA!"

After I finished my coughing fit, I went silent, lifting my phone up to where only my eyes were visible. Rob leaned on my shoulder, glancing at Twitter with me before murmuring, "Can't believe y'all went without us."

"OH MY G-" A gasp stopped her rant, her body turning slowly to us. "It was both of y'all..."

"Now what the fuck are you on about..." I groaned, lowkey sweating on the inside.

She shook her head, setting her hand on her hip. "You can't fool me, Y/N. Y'all fucked in the studio bed."

I could feel Rih tense on me, so I sighed internally, rolling my eyes on the outside. "Ok fine...it was me. I brought my assistant for that day back. Her name was Lizzie or something."

Sorry Lisa.

"Hmmmm. For some reason, I don't believe you."

"Robyn fucking went to the store to get snacks and shit."

The producer rolled her eyes, waving a hand at me. "Fucking make sure your next side piece doesn't press the record then."


Liv let out a loud groan, snatching up her backpack and storming off the bus; leaving Rob and I alone.

Rob let out a long sigh, scooting fully behind me and laying her full weight on my back. One of her hands traced on shapes against my shoulder while the other looped itself loosely around my neck. Her breathing was soft against my ear; her head on my shoulder.

"Thank you."

I hummed quietly, still scrolling through Twitter posts of last nights concerts. "Why?"

"I wouldn't want her to look at you weird for sleeping with me."

I smirked, "You care a lot about me."

Another open palm to my head. "Let me just stop fucking with you."

Gripping her arm as it was about to leave my neck, I pulled her back against to me, fake whining, "Noooo, noooo. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"That's right." She affirmed. "You wouldn't do shit. Just be bored at home with Beast."

"Fuck." I whispered, quickly tapping FaceTime. The low tone beeping filled the air as I pressed 'My Life☝🏽💯😈'. "Haven't called my Mom since two days ago."

"Aweee." Rob giggled. "I love my Moms too."

There was the distinct answering sound, her gorgeous face looking full of energy as she laughed, "Hey Y/N!"

My eyebrows furrowed. "What're you doing?"

"Marcus and I are going out to dinner." She flipped the camera, "Say hey Marcus."

"Hi Y/N." The tall, handsome bald man gave me a bright smile, his perfect teeth on display as he gave me a small wave before immediately turning back to the road.

"Hi Marc. Treating my Mom right still, yes?"

He chuckled deeply, looking over the camera with a wink. "Always."

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