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That's Trinity^ she's 13

"They really want you to go on tour, Line."

"And I really don't care. I'm not missing the birth of my kid."

"You won't-"

"Frank, if I missed it because of them, I'd end up canceling the tour. No."


The argument between us had been nonstop, Frank telling me the fans 'needed' a tour for my two new albums.

I wasn't having it.

My kids are in school and my baby mama has unlimited cravings. On top of that, Zen and I are getting closer with one another.

That was something that needed more time.

Plus, did I need the money? No.

I had more than enough. In fact, I could give-

"Ok. I'll do it."

Frank lifted an eyebrow, looking behind him before turning back to me. "I'm sorry?"

"I'll do the tour. But only on my terms. If I can do it within these next four months, fine. We'll only do major cities for three months and all proceeds get donated the way I see fit."


I smirked. "Yup. If that can't happen, I'll just release an album."

A quick look was cast my way before he nodded. "Ok then. I'll call some people and set it up. We'll probably be ready in a week because it sounds like you're not doing all that extra stuff."

"After he's born, I'll do a big thing."

My manager's eyes sparkled. "She's having a boy?"

"No," The rare smile was gone. "We don't know. Only Zen does."

"Wait, wait. Back up." I laughed at his shock. "Zendaya was present during the ultrasound? What?!" I continued to laugh, walking into the kitchen. "Don't just walk away, Y/N. Explain."

"There's not much to explain." I shrugged sheepishly with a laugh. "We're all cool now. Robyn wants Zen to be the only person to know the gender of the baby. Whether that's cause she brought her food or not is to be determined."

Frank stared at me before sitting down at the table. "Did you all at least talk?"

Nodding, I passed him some milk for Oreos we were about to devour. "Yup. No yelling, screaming, or fighting involved. Just talking."

"Including the two..." He narrowed his eyes. "..exes?"

"Especially the two exes." I confirmed, placing the Oreos on the table and sitting across from him. "Pretty sure Robyn said she was going to steal Zen from me."

"You're dating Zendaya again?!" His monotonous voice finally faltered into one of shock.

Which in turn made me chuckle, "Not officially."

My manager went quiet. "...fucking then?"

The doorbell rang as I burst into laughter, swiping a cookie as I stood. "Ask her yourself."


Ignoring him, I hastily made my way to the door; opening it with a huge smile.

"Hi!" The greeting was light, accompanied with a brief kiss to my lips; the actress stealing the cooking from me during the smooch.

Not even angry, I shook my head; closing the door behind her. "Hey. How was the shoot?"

"Hot. The dress was super heavy."

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