C H A P T E R 9

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"Thank you for picking the Tesla, Frank." I praised, throwing an arm around my manager.

When we pulled up, there were a bunch of limos. Some were only driving one person, but we weren't judging. Any other time, I would've been annoyed, but because we had the Tesla, we were able to maneuver to the front quickly. I thanked the driver, whose name I learned was Garret, and we all filed out the truck, lights flashing immediately.



"Over here Underline!"

"What did you and Rihanna collab on?"

"Is that your girlfriend?!"

I squinted, my eyes quickly adjusting as I walked on the mock red carpet that led into the gallery. The clicks of the cameras made me internally roll my eyes, but I gave them a smirk regardless, still not answering any questions.

Maybe later.

When we finally made it into the building, I was immediately greeted with the sight of Rihanna holding a red balloon in front of two pictures. I recognized them from the invitation instantly, turning to look at Frank.

 I recognized them from the invitation instantly, turning to look at Frank

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"Her and Cameron are wearing all black."

"Don't complain Y/N. Plus, they don't look depressed in it."

I let out a puff of air, jumping when a hand clamped onto my shoulder. I turned around, relaxing quickly; only to stiffen back up when I realized who it was.

"Didn't think I'd see you this quickly." She smirked. I swallowed, licking my suddenly dry ass lips.

"I didn't either." I looked over her shoulders, my eyes narrowing at my trio as they made fun of me. It was interrupted when she gave me a small smile.

"How are you?"

"I'm great." Do I tell her? Fuck it just say it. "Sorry I haven't texted you. I lowkey was nervous."

"It's fine. Just talk to me more. I promise I don't bite." She winked, a soft chuckle escaping me.

I internally took a deep breath. There was no way I was gonna look like a little bitch this time. I'm going to be a fucking rockstar, not a soft ass pop star.

"I'll definitely do that." I glanced over her body, taking in the outfit with a smirk. "You look amazing."


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