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Haaaaa this might suck cause I originally had a different plan for it😬

Sitting in Drake's house nearly a month later, I couldn't help but think about how weird it was to be here.

The Euphoria crew, plus some new faces, had gathered in the Canadian's home at seven in the morning, everyone all smiles and giggles as they read through a rough draft of the script for the first episode of season two.

The person who had chose to cling to me, oddly, was Alexa. The fashionista had kidnapped me and trapped me on the couch, forcing me to play Marvel's Ultimate Alliance with her on the PS4. I had purchased it on my account, so we were able to play it to our hearts content.

Not going to lie, it was fun. Deadpool and Silver Surfer had been my two main characters while Alexa chose Spider-Man and Human Torch; the unsuspecting gaming girl killing the most enemies every other mission during the story mode. I would've minded, had she not been a perfectionist like myself. Instead of just charging straight through the story mode, she'd make it her mission to check every room, do every side quest, and get every coin before we continued.

And man, I loved that.

It was how I played games. I figured, if I could get a hundred percent the first time; why wouldn't I?

So, while they all read their scripts, Alexa and I played the game. I'd probably never seen her so thrilled to not have a line.

However, our fun was paused midway through act three, when Sam came over to grab me.

Alexa groaned. "Come on, Sam! It's two Acts left!"

"I'm sorry Lexa." He snickered. "I really do need her."

There was a pout accompanied with arms crossed over an expensive shirt. "Bring her back."

"Y'all talking about me like I'm not here," I stood up, stretching as I spoke. "And I don't appreciate it." Swatting lint off my pants, I winked at Alexa. "I'll be back Lex."

She rolled her eyes, opening her phone. "You better hoe."

Following Sam into the kitchen gave me a deep feeling of deja-vu, the man once again asking me to help create a song for one of the newer characters and Rue. Zen came in after being called; awkwardly avoiding Jacob, and entering the kitchen with a small smile.

"Well, if this isn't familiar."

I nodded with an amused smile, "That it is."

Sam looked between us, smirked, and left; leaving the two of us alone.

Tapping my foot on the floor, I couldn't help but smile at the irony.

Just like the first time.

"Speaking in your head instead of out loud?"

Looking up, I chuckled at the smirk on her face. "History does repeat itself."

Opening the fridge, she pulled out two bottles of smart water. "That it does."

"Guess that means we should go to the waterfall then." Her eyes met mine quickly, something hidden behind her blank look before she nodded.

"Guess we should." The normally smooth voice was raspy, but I just shrugged; pushing off the counter.

"Lex!" I called over the music, the actress looking up at me. "Pass me my phone! This might take a while!"

Grabbing my phone and charger, I watched the small woman get up and trudge over to me. "What? You gotta take a shit or something?"

"Nah," I glanced at a blushing Zen before smiling. "I got some shit to deal with. We might have to play another time."

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