Chapter 9

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Lucas' POV

I was going to head out to look for a job, just like Topanga had suggested.

Dad had called earlier on this morning. He said he would come by on Sunday with Mum.

"I'm going!" I announced. Topanga had given me a list of places to go to for an available position.

Farkle came out from the kitchen, followed by Maya.

"Where to?" Maya asked. She looked full of energy today, her smile wider than I'd ever seen before.

"To look for a job."

"Um...can I come?" Maya asked.

I was taken aback. Maybe this would be a good time to actually talk to Maya.

"Sure," I smiled. She followed behind me and I shut the door.

We started off down the gravel path that led from the house to the road. Topanga had planted a bunch of mango trees two years ago and they were still growing. I plucked a hibiscus flower and gave it to Maya.

"Thanks," she blushed.

We talked about school and grades and hobbies. It was awkward, but it was okay.

I had been dying to ask her something and I finally decided to do it.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

Maya shook her head quickly. "Do you? Have a girlfriend?"

I shook my head as well. After Maya, I'd gotten involved with a few girls but they all didn't seem to be working out.

We reached the beach, where there was a position for lifeguard available. They were also looking for employees in the snack bar.

I decided I wasn't too interested and we went back to the road. There was a community centre nearby and I knew that they could tell me a list of all the open positions. Topanga had only scribbled some venues on a piece of paper.

Maya pushed the door open and a cold bust of air  condition blew by. The guy at the desk looked up. He looked about 18, at most.

"How may I help you?" He had a deep and raspy voice.

I told him I was looking for a job, and he pulled out a folder, his eyes never leaving Maya.

"What's your name, gorgeous?" he asked. Maya blushed.

"Maybe you should join the modeling agency we have here," he told her. "You're too pretty not to be accepted.

I gnashed my teeth while I scanned the job openings. Why should I care if he was flirting with Maya anyway?

There was an open position at 'Polson Bakery'. I loved that bakery, and I loved their stuff. I got their address and wrote it down. I planned to drop by tomorrow.

The man was still staring at Maya when we left.


hiii guys please comment on how my story is so far
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