Chapter 11

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Maya's POV

"Okay Maya, truth or dare?"

"Dare," I answered. That was just me.

Farkle thought for a while, scratching his chin. "Okay. I dare you to kiss Lucas."

I froze.

Lucas laughed.

Riley giggled.

"W-what?" I couldn't kiss Lucas! How could I, after the past?

"You heard me. Kiss Lucas."

I looked at Lucas reluctantly. My eyes travelled down to his lips for just a second.

I didn't mind kissing him. What was stopping me was that I wasn't too sure if he would be okay with it. Maybe he didn't even see me as a friend.

I looked at Lucas again. He was slightly smiling, daring me to kiss him.

He knew I was scared. And he wasn't doing anything about it.

He was watching me doubt what to do and getting humiliated.

He was enjoying it.

Suddenly, tears filled my eyes and I got up and ran out of the room. I shut the door behind me and went into the boys' room. No one was inside so I sat on the bottom bunk and cried.

I didn't even know why the tears were falling. They just fell, like snowflakes on a cold winter night.

I heard footsteps getting closer. It was probably Riley.


Nope, it was Lucas.

Lucas' POV


"Maya?" I called. She was sitting on my bed with her hair covering her face.

She looked up and turned away quickly.

"Oh, sorry, I'm sitting on your bed." She muttered and started to stand up but I walked over and pulled her back down.

I sat beside her.

"What's wrong?" I asked although I kind of knew the answer.

She shrugged and wiped her tears away. "I just...I feel like..."

She didn't complete her sentence.

We sat there in absolute silence, not exchanging a word. But I liked it.

Slowly, daringly, I stretched my arm out and placed it over her shoulder.

Maya didn't pull away but instead she moved closer and rested her head on my shoulder.


sorry for the long wait! x

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