Chapter 33

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Lucas' POV

Jade had let me into the guest room and told me to get some sleep.

But how could I sleep without knowing if Maya was okay?

I sat up in bed, my head still pounding. I probably shouldn't have drank so much. I'd only been drunk once before this and it had led to a terrible hangover the next day.

I couldn't even remember how I had ended up in Jade's bed earlier. She must have been joking about the part where she said I'd cheated on Maya. Why would I do such a thing?

I fumbled around the walls for a light switch until I found one. I looked at the wall clock. It was already past 11.

Maybe I could call Maya. I reached into my pocket for my phone and realised it was missing. I groaned. I must have left it in Jade's room earlier.

I opened the door cautiously and stepped out into the hallway. Now which one was Jade's room again?

The nearest door to mine was left wide open and I could see that there was no one inside. I peeped down the stairs to find the mess that everyone had left. Plastic cups and sweet wrappers strewn everywhere. Someone had thrown up below the piano and not bothered to clean it up. The couch was littered with crumbs and most of the furniture was out of place.

Wow, Jade was gonna take a while to clean everything up.

But knowing her, she would probably make her maid do it.

There were 2 more rooms on the second floor. One was to the other side of me and the other one was right at the end of the hallway.

I was going to turn and check the room nearer to me first but I heard what sounded like a giggle, and then a moan. I stopped and looked at the room at the end.

Was Jade in there with some guy? I didn't want to disturb them but I had to get my phone back. I had to know if Maya was back home safe.

I pressed my ear against the door and tried to listen.

I heard a lot of smooching noises and then what seemed like a zipper being ripped open.

I placed my hand on the doorknob and pushed the door. "I'm sorry to interrupt but I need to get my phone-" I stopped halfway through my sentence. "Maya?!"

She pulled her lips away from the guy and gasped when she saw me. "Lucas?"

"Maya what are you..." I trailed off, staring at the sight in front of me. Her dress was zipped down halfway, leaving her top half in nothing but a black bra. The guy with her had his hand in between her legs and he didn't have a shirt on either.

"Who is he?" The guy turned to her and questioned.

"Maya why would you do this?" I managed to croak out. I was so hurt that it had left me numb. Soon the hurt turned to anger. What had I done to deserve this? Was I not good enough for her?

"Me? Cut out the act Lucas, I saw what you and Jade were doing."

"Jade? Maya I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You cheated on me!"

"I really have no idea what's going on Maya. My head hurts like hell. Except for the fact that my girlfriend is half naked in front of me making out with a guy I've never seen before!" I yelled at her, and then immediately regretting when I saw her eyes brimming with tears.

"You told me he wasn't your boyfriend anymore!" The guy turned to her.

"He cheated on me."

"When the hell did I cheat on you? It's pathetic that you're making up stuff about me just to cover up your mistake." I shouted even more, my temper getting the better of me. Although, I had to admit, she didn't look too bad with her dress pulled down. Maya had one heck of a body.

"Wait," the guy beside her interuppted and turned to Maya "Just to be clear, you're above 16 right?"


SORRY FOR THE CRAP ENDING, but I wrote this chapter in a hurry. I promise the next one will be better!


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