Chapter 16

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Maya's POV

No, this could not be happening. Topanga and Cory had just returned with Emily and things did not seem good.

Riley and I were supposed to be asleep but we were eavesdropping from the top staircase. Cory sounded so worried. They had to bring her to another hospital. A bigger and better one.

That's when Riley ran down. They looked up.

"It's 1am! Why aren't you asleep?!" Topanga whisper-screamed.

"What about Emily? Why must you bring her somewhere else?"

I didn't think it was right for me to listen. I started to creep back to our room when the door to the boys' room creaked open and I was pulled in.

"Farkle?!" I asked, confused. I could make out his face although it was dark.

"Maya, where's Lucas?" He didn't on the light.

"What do you mean?" I asked and glanced over at his bed. Empty. "Um, the toilet?" I suggested.

Farkle shook his head and rolled his eyes. "I'm not that dumb not to check there. He's been gone nearly an hour."

"An hour?!" I gasped. Where could Lucas possibly have gone in the middle of the night?

"Is he with Cory and Topanga?"

"No," I answered. "They just came back with Emily and things are not good. Riley's down with them but I didn't see Lucas. Did he go out?"

"Where would he go?"

I shrugged. I acted like Lucas being gone didn't really bother me but, of course it bothered me. Could something have happened to him?

That's when I heard footsteps. Riley and Cory and Topanga were coming up with Emily.

I heard Cory and Topanga stopping to check on Auggie. When Riley walked by, I stuck out my hand and pulled her in.

Her eyes were red. I shut the door quickly so that Farkle could on the light.

"Mum said that Emily has a problem. There's something in her stomach and they have to get it removed. The operation is on Friday. But besides that I guess she's okay."

Farkle and I nodded sympathetically. He put an arm around her shoulder.

"Riley, Lucas is gone." I said just as we heard Cory and Topanga shut the door of their room.

Lucas' POV

Finally, I let go of her. How long had it even been since we were out here?

Jade leaned in again but I moved behind. "I gotta go."

God, what was I even doing? I had come out because I couldn't sleep. I'd gone to the dock. Maya and I used to always hang out there. And then Jade came. We talked. And the next thing I knew we were kissing. She made the first move, not me. But I had kissed her back. Why?

I got caught up in the moment. It meant nothing. I liked Maya.

"Maybe next time then," Jade planted a kiss on my cheek before walking away. I stayed till she had gone out of sight before moving.

The Mathew's house was the nearest to the dock. I could even see it from my room window.

I looked up and frowned. Why did it seem like there were three figures at my window? Wasn't Farkle asleep?

I got closer. They were Farkle, Riley and Maya.

Just great.

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