Chapter 28

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Lucas' POV

Jade passed me her flyers the next morning. She blew me a kiss before telling me to give them out in town. Luckily Maya wasn't with me.

I looked down at them. The rent was $70 per week. That was pretty cheap. But well, to be fair, the pictures of the room didn't look too appealing. So the price was pretty decent. I don't think anyone would actually want to stay there though, unless they were on a really, really tight budget.

I had to work immediately after I gave the flyers out. I texted Maya before that, asking if she wanted to get some fro yo after that.


Maya's POV

"What's wrong?" Lucas asked the moment he came out from work.

I sighed. "Mum says we have to leave in 3 days, whether or not I'm injured. Dad wants to see me. And we have to be there to welcome him back." I rolled my eyes.

Lucas looked down. "3 days? That's it?"

I could see that he was upset. So was I. I really didn't want to leave him.

"I don't want to go Lucas. I don't want to see my father," I was trying my hardest not to cry.

He put an arm around me. But he wasn't concentrating. He seemed distant.

"I'll miss you. I'll miss everyone," I said as we walked into the fro yo shop.

"Me too," Lucas said as he gave my hand a squeeze. "Have you tried talking your mum out of it?"

"She's made up her mind." I ran my hand over my left arm, that had the cast over it. Riley, Lucas, Farkle, Topanga, Cory and Auggie had signed it. I could get it off in a week though.

We bought our yogurt and left the shop, only to bump into Jade.

"Lucas! Did you give them out?" She asked. Why was she always so bubbly? It was annoying.

Lucas nodded. "All of it."

"I hope you guys are excited for my party. Because I sure as hell can't wait to turn sixteen!"

Lucas laughed. I looked away.

"Hey! Maya, can I sign your cast?" She asked and rummaged through her purse for a pen.

No you can't I wanted to roll my eyes at her but I put on a smile and moved my hand closer to her.

Get well soon! xx Jade ;- )

She said goodbye before running to the nail salon opposite the street.

"I don't want to go to her party." I sulked.

"Come on Maya, you only have 3 days left here. Why not enjoy them?" Lucas kissed my forehead before intertwining our hands together.


Riley, Farkle and Auggie were playing The Game of Life when we got back.

"Wanna join?" Farkle asked.

"Sure," I sat down beside Riley and Lucas sat beside me. I took the red car.

We started the game all over again. Made me wonder what I was actually gonna do in my life.

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