Chapter 2

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The next day

Lucas's POV


We were nearly there. The roads were starting to get more familiar. Oakhaven was getting closer.

I was glad that it was summer break. Who wouldn't be?

Last year we had gone to Oakhaven, like we always did. But there was something different. Maya hadn't been there. Mrs. Matthews said that she had family problems to deal with, but maybe it was just because she couldn't face me.

So last year Riley's school friend had joined us. Her name was Paige and I didn't like her. She was noisy and annoying, always giggling stupidly and twirling her hair.

She even tried to kiss me once, but I pushed her away just in time.

I knew that even Riley hadn't enjoyed her company. She wanted Maya back.

And Maya was coming back this year. I hadn't seen her for two years, I wondered how much she had changed.

I wondered how things would be between us, after what happened.

I had fallen in love with her, and she knew it. But she had hurt me and I could never forget the pain it had caused me. So I tried to get back at her, and hurt her even more.

I wasn't proud of it.

"Are you excited to see Maya?" Farkle asked beside me.

I glared at him and glanced at Dad, who was driving. We usually didn't share stuff like this.

Dad laughed. "I'm not listening."

"So are you?" Farkle pushed on. My brother could be the most annoying person when he wanted to.

"I don't know," I finally answered. I really didn't. I wanted to see her, but I didn't at the same time.

Farkle rolled his eyes and stared out of the window again.

"We're here!" My father announced as we pulled into the driveway of the Matthew family's summer house.

Farkle pushed open the door and got out, I followed behind.

Riley ran over to hug both of us. "I missed you guys!"

I looked around. Cory and Topanga where standing at the door, with Emily in Topanga's arms. Auggie ran up to me. He had always been fond of me.


"Auggie!" I laughed as he held on to me.

Maya was nowhere to be seen. Riley noticed. "She's not here yet," she told me.

I nodded and went to help my dad get our bags out of the car. Farkle and Riley were busy catching up.

That's when another car pulled into the driveway. The same, old car that I had gotten used to seeing every year.

It stopped and I watched as a blonde stepped out of it, her hair blowing in the wind.

She turned and our eyes met. She was beautiful. She didn't look too different, just more prettier. I held her gaze for as long as I could before she finally broke it and looked away.

"Maya!" Riley yelled and both of them shared a hug. Farkle went up to her and hugged her as well.

It was my turn. She pretended to forget about me and talked to Riley. She found this as awkward as I did.

Maya's POV


"Hey Maya," I heard the unmistakable voice of Lucas behind me.

I turned and our eyes met for the second time that day. Lucas had grown much taller. I think he'd been working out. His dirty-blond hair was messy in a slightly attractive sort of way, and his face was perfect as always.

"H-Hey," I managed to say. He held out his hand and I shook it quickly.

His hand was so warm. The minute our hands touched, I thought back to two summers ago, when Lucas had held my hand for the first time. How awkward yet lovely it had been.

We pulled our hands away and Lucas smiled at me. I attempted to smile back. I didn't want to think of the past but I couldn't help it. How much I had hurt him. How much he had hurt me.

Well maybe this summer I should just put the past behind me. But I knew that things between me and Lucas would never be the same.


I apologize for the delay, I'm just super busy eith school! :(

I hate school.

How's it so far?

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