Chapter 21

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Maya's POV

"Hello," Lucas smiled as he kissed my forehead. I giggled as he slipped his hand into mine.

"Ice cream again?" Lucas asked. I nodded. He got himself a vanilla and a strawberry for me.

"So," Lucas began. "Are you sure you don't want to go for Jade's party? It's in a week."

I rolled my eyes at the sound of her name. Jade was nothing but a spoilt, mean girl who thinks that she can get whatever she wants.

Then I remembered that Lucas had kissed her. I'd forgotten to ask him about that.

"What's the deal with you and Jade anyway?"

Lucas looked up. "Nothing...why?"

"Oh, just asking. Considering the fact that you snuck out of the house to kiss her."

Lucas stopped me and placed his free arm on my shoulder. He smiled.

"Don't tell me you're still thinking of that. You're the only one I wanna kiss."

I moved away before he could. Lucas pouted and I laughed. We walked through the park instead of taking the short cut home. I loved being with Lucas.

He told me about his first day at work and how he was totally clueless at first.

We reached the house and Topanga told us that we were all going out for dinner, and to bathe and get ready.

I skipped up the stairs to Riley's and my room.

It was strange. I hadn't felt this happy in a really long time.


Lucas' POV

I couldn't get my eyes off Maya during dinner. We were at the nearby burger place. I'd ordered a cheeseburger and so had she. Auggie was pouring ketchup over his fries and pretty much drowning them in it. 

Sometimes I wondered how it would be like after summer. We only had 5 more

 weeks left here anyway. I'd have to leave Maya. It was something I was dreading so much. What if we didn't keep in touch? What if she didn't miss me? Maya was pretty; she could get any guy she wanted.

I looked up and caught her staring at me. She blushed. I smirked

"Okay," Cory spoke up. "Is there something you'd like to tell me?"

Maya looked confused.

"All you've been doing throughout dinner is stare at each other and smile." He said to Maya and me.

I saw Maya blush again.

"Well you must have seen wrong," I said and picked up a fry.

Topanga laughed and told him to drop it. Farkle was sneaking glances at me.

After dinner we went back home and stayed up late watching a Disney movie.

It was cool.


hi!! I'm starting to think this book is kinda bad. Should I stop writing it? Please comment!!

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