Chapter 22

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Maya's POV

It was 12am and the movie had just ended. Riley stretched out her arms and yawned as we made our way up to our room.

12:45am . I turned over for what seemed like the fifteenth time. Riley was fast asleep. I couldn't sleep.

01:56am . I was getting frustrated. My eyes refused to shut. Something was bothering me, I just wasn't sure what it was. The paper! That had been buried in the backyard!

I sat up in bed and glanced at the sleeping Riley. I'd put the paper under my notebook in the first drawer in the cabinet.

I reached out as softly as I could and opened it. I pulled out the piece of folded yellow paper. I still wondered why my name was on it. Well, there was only one way to find out.

I switched the night light on and opened it.


The blonde with the beautiful blue eyes. She has a bit of an attitude, but besides that, she's absolutely flawless. Boys adore her and she knows it. But under everything, she's broken. Her parents hardly have time for her. Her dad is wasting all her mum's hard-earned money by drinking it all away. And when he gets drunk, it's not a pretty sight either. She struggles at her school and it's evident that she lacks confidence in herself and her abilities. But I love her, although I probably shouldn't. She doesn't know the real me and I can't tell her. Not yet. Maybe this will help me remember her, if she's ever gone. If I'm ever gone, maybe she'll find this. But if not, if both of us come back here for summer each year, then this will have to remain hidden in the soil. Maybe we are meant to be. Together forever.

I read it again. Lucas? Did he write this? But why would Lucas write something about me and then hide it in the soil? It didn't really make sense.

But this had been written when my dad was still alive. Tough times those were. I don't think I can even bear to think of how he treated me.

I folded the paper and placed it and the same spot and then shut the drawer. I hugged my pillow tight. I missed my mum. I knew she was busy but I really did miss her.

I turned over again and tried to clear my mind so I could sleep. That stupid note was probably nothing anyway.


I woke up the next morning to Riley shaking me awake.

"Maya! It's almost 9!"

I threw a pillow at her.

That shut her up. She left and shut the door. Finally, peace and quiet.

I heard the door open again and groaned. "Riley please, five more minutes!"

The door shut behind her. What was she doing, opening and shutting doors? I didn't bother to open my eyes to ask her so I continued laying there.

Another body crawled into bed beside me.

"Riley!" I opened my eyes.

It wasn't her.


Hope you guys like it! :-)

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