Chapter 17

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Lucas' POV

I got back into the house just like how I'd gotten out. The back door from the kitchen.

I went up the stairs slowly. I hoped they hadn't seen me with Jade. But something told me they had. What would Maya think? That I liked Jade? Would she be jealous?

I opened the door to my room. Sure enough, Riley and Maya were here.

"Hey... what are you guys doing here?" I tried to act casual.

"Save it," Riley spoke up. "You and...Jade?" She made a disgusted face.

I looked down. "It was nothing, honestly. We just got caught up in the moment. And she kissed me first."

"I'm pretty sure you kissed her back." Farkle smirked. I glared.

I looked at Maya. She was sitting on my bed just playing with her hair. She hadn't said anything.

"Well maybe you girls should go get some sleep," Farkle said.

"Not tired anymore," Maya spoke up and she stared at me for a split second before looking away.

Riley yawned. "Come on Maya." She pulled her out with her and I heard the door of their room close.

Farkle was still looking at me demanding an explanation.

"It was nothing," I repeated.

"Out of all the girls you could choose from, you pick Jade. Smart move bro."

I sat down on my bed and messed my hair up.

"I thought you like Maya."

"Did I say that?"

"You make it obvious."

I ignored him and lie down. Farkle switched the lights off and went to sleep.

But I couldn't sleep. Maya wouldn't leave my mind.

Maya's POV

This was killing me. I'd realized that I actually liked Lucas a lot. And I'd also thought that maybe we still had a chance.

But then he kissed Jade.

I hated her so much right now. Well, actually I always had. But did she like Lucas or something? Since she had made the first move.

But honestly, they made a terrible couple. Just saying.

I wish I could just tell Lucas how I felt about him. What's the worst thing that could happen anyway? He rejects me. And then what? I would get over it.

Maybe that's what I should do. Tell Lucas I like him.

I glanced to my right. Riley was already asleep. Oh, I had to ask her about Farkle as well. She hasn't told me anything about their almost-kiss.

I had a feeling this was going to be an interesting summer.


There's gonna be a surprise in the next chapter. And it has something to do with Laya. ;)

I'll update once I get 15 votes. Love you guys!

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