Chapter 32

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Lucas' POV

My head was spinning.

"Jade, what just happened?" I stared at the blurry figure sitting on the bed beside me.

She shrugged and went back to admiring her nails. "You cheated on Maya. With me."

"What?" I sat up, ignoring my throbbing head. Gosh, I felt like puking. Had I fallen asleep or something? The last thing I remembered was drinking...a lot.

I looked at the clock on the dresser beside me. I had to blink a few times before the time came into focus.

10.36pm? Topanga had told us to be home by 10.

I had to get out of here and find Maya, and then go home.

I got up from the bed, and the room immediately started to spin. I steadied myself my grabbing the chair in front of me.

"Lucas, where are you going?" Jade called from behind me.

"To find Maya," I answered as I looked down and realized that half the buttons on my shirt were undone. A sudden thought struck me and I gulped. I glanced back at Jade. What exactly had we done?

"Maya's not here!" Jade exclaimed and stood up quickly. "You must be really tired. Maybe you should crash here for the night."

"Where is Maya then?"

"Um..." Jade muttered. "She left. I think."

What? No, Maya would never leave me. I made my way to the door and got out. My head was clearing a bit by now, but I couldn't really remember much.

Jade yelled at me to wait but I made my way down the stairs, surprised that there were still a bunch of people here. Nothing like the crowd that was present when we had arrived though.

I hardly recognised anyone. I couldn't find Maya, or Riley and Farkle. Maybe they really had left. But why was I still here then? Had I fallen asleep?

Jade ran down the stairs behind me. "See, she's not here! Lucas, you drank a lot. I really think you should just stay here for the night. You can explain to Riley's parents tomorrow morning. You stay with them right?"

I nodded slowly and followed her back up. The last thing I remember hearing was Jade promising to get me a comfortable blanket. Or something.


Maya's POV

"Maya..." He murmured softly as I trailed more kisses down his jawline.

"Yes, Ethan?" I ran my hands up and down his chest, smiling to myself.

"Maya this isn't right...we just met."

"No, we met two hours ago," I shut him up by turning his face towards mine and kissing him. He tasted like mint, mixed with a bit of wine. Probably.

We were in the storeroom, except it wasn't exactly a storeroom because there wasn't much stuff in it. We had only bothered to on the lamp at the corner, which gave out a dim glow around the room.

Ethan deepened the kiss immediately. He must've changed his mind then. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tugged at his soft hair. He cupped my face with his hands.

I played with the buttons on his shirt, yanking them open one by one. Ethan was sitting cross-legged on the floor and I was on his lap with my legs wrapped around his torso. He ran his hands up my legs and then got up and leaned down, which left me on the floor and him hovering above me.

I smiled at the sight of his bare chest when he took his shirt off.

"Are you sure your boyfriend would be okay with this?" He whispered into my ear while forming circles along my inner thigh with his finger.

I didn't want to waste time explaining that he was no longer my boyfriend so I just nodded. Ethan's lips curled into a smirk before he leaned down to kiss me again.


I'm not that happy with this chapter tbh. I know some of you are upset that Laya/ Lucaya (whatever you call it) is over but don't worry, everything turns out fine in the end!!

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