Chapter 1

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Maya's POV


I walked into my apartment, feeling happier than ever. School was out.

I just wanted to lie in bed all day and watch Pretty Little Liars with a mug of hot chocolate.

"Hey," my mother greeted me.

I was surprised. "You're...home." I said. My mum was rarely at home. She had to work really late in the cafe to get enough money to pay off our bills. And to get me at least some of the stuff that I wanted.

"Yes. I am," she smiled. "I hope you're excited for the summer."

I smiled back at her and put my school bag down. "I am, actually."

"Good, then maybe you should start packing your bags."


Mum looked at me like I was nuts. "Did you forget? Riley and her family invited you to stay in their summer house. Like you always do during summer."

I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. "Oh. We-We're going back?"

"What do you mean? Course we are."

"B-But..." I didn't know what to say. "We didn't go last year."

Mum's expression changed a bit. "Yes, well, that's because of what happened with your father and everything. But this year, everything is perfectly fine and you can go stay with them and enjoy your summer again."

I faked a smile. My mum looked so happy about this, I had to at least pretend to be happy as well.

"Great..." I hoped I sounded enthusiastic enough.

I didn't want to go back. Not at all.

If I did, I would have to face Lucas again. And despite how bold and brave I was, I didn't know if I could do that.


The next day

I was done with packing most of my clothes. I was leaving tomorrow.

It was actually really soon. I had wanted some time to just stay at home and relax, but we were leaving straight away.

And the worst part was, my mum wouldn't be there with me. She would drop me off, stay for a couple of days, and then come back here to work.

And it was not as if I could run back here if everything went wrong. Their summer house was in Oakhaven, which was a 2 hours drive from here.

I sighed as I stared at my favorite t shirt that I had just packed into the suitcase. It still had a bunch of stains on it when Lucas, Riley, Farkle and I decided to throw colored detergent at each other.

2 summers ago. When I had last seen all of them. When Riley and I were best friends and Lucas and I were...together.

Not much has changed between Riley and me. We just lost touch. I'm pretty sure that once we see each other again tomorrow, we'll go back to being the best of friends again.

But...Lucas? That was a completely different story. I didn't think anything could make things go back to how they were before. 2 years ago.

I knew how much I had hurt him and I wasn't proud of that. But I couldn't go back and change it now.


So here's the first chapter. Please comment how it is so far!

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