Chapter 7

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Lucas' POV

"Maya!" I shouted in alarm and went to help her up. Her hair cascaded over her face, blocking any signs of an injury.

I pushed her hair back, feeling her tense up. She had a small bruise on her forehead.

"Maya," I said, examining it. "I'm sorry. The swing was my idea."

She shrugged. "Nah. Doesn't hurt anyway."

But I knew it did, as she winced when I touched it.

"Let's get you home."

We left, leaving Riley and Farkle sleeping on the grass.


Maya already had her forehead bandaged up by Topanga. She was lying on the couch, flipping channels on the TV.

"Hey!" I heard the unmistakable voice of Farkle. "You left us behind!"

He stormed into the living room, followed by Riley, who was carrying the picnic basket.

"Maya got hurt," I told him. "She fell off the swing."

Farkle gasped. "What happened?"

"I fell off the swing," Maya spoke up.

Riley went over to sit beside her. She touched her injury and this time Maya did not flinch, so I guess it did not hurt too much anymore.

"Why did you even get on that swing? It's really rusty," Riley said.

I looked down sheepishly. It was actually my fault.

"Lucas," Topanga said. "Maybe it would be good if you tried to get a job this summer."

I nodded. "Maybe..."


I know I dont update much lately, and Im so so sorry! I still haven't reached 1K yet though and I'm hoping you guys could help with that?

thanks for reading ily

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