Chapter 3

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Maya's POV


I walked into the familiar room that I had shared with Riley all my life during the summer.

It had pink walls filled with pictures of our childhood, pictures of us laughing without a care in the world.

My favorite was the one where all four of us had colorful faces. It was 5 summers ago, when Farkle's and Lucas' dad had brought paint and we had ended up playing with it.

There were so many other pictures which brought back tons of memories to my head. Sometimes I wish that I could just be that child again, with no worries at all.

I threw my bag down on the bed that was leant against the wall. I always took that bed. Riley smiled.

"Paige took that bed last year. It just felt so weird not having you beside me," she laughed.

"No one to whisper your deepest secrets to at night?" I asked. Riley knew me better than anyone else in the whole world. I regretted not keeping in touch with her for the past two years.

But she didn't seem to care about that.

"Yeah," Riley nodded. "And Paige snored."

She imitated it. I laughed. "I missed you, Maya."

"I missed you too, Riley."


Mrs. Matthews called to say that lunch was ready.

Riley and I went down. We had loads to catch up on, but, food was always my first priority. 

"You've grown, Maya," Topanga smiled.

"Thanks, Mrs. Matthews." Every. Single. Year.

She threw her hands up in the air. "Topanga! How many times do I tell you to just call me Topanga?"

I giggled and took a seat. Farkle and Lucas joined us. Somehow, Lucas ended up sitting directly opposite me.

His foot accidentally brushed against mine. I tingled.

We ate, and then Riley and I went up to "our" room again.

"So..." Riley gave me the look. "Did you get involved with any boys?"

I blushed. Two years ago, Riley had been 12, and I had been 13, and we would constantly fantasize about boys. We would make up first dates and practice kissing our pillows.

When I had gotten together with Lucas, Riley had been so jealous that I had a boyfriend and she didn't.

"Well," I began. "There were a few."

Riley squealed. "Tell me every single detail. From your first kiss to your last."

I laughed. "Brandon and I got together in September after summer two years ago. He was great, but he spat while he talked," I made a face. "And his kisses were slobbery. I broke up with him in October."

Riley rolled her eyes.

"Then there was Todd, the next January. He was amazing. I fell in love with him. And then in May we had to break up as he was moving to Florida. I was miserable. I tried to keep a long-distance relationship with him, but it seemed as if he wasn't interested. "

"Oh," Riley muttered. "I'm sorry.

I shrugged. "It was ages ago," I went on. "I finally moved on from Todd in, what, October? So I got together with Richie but we broke up this March. He had been cheating on me with another girl."

Riley gasped. "I'm so sorry, Maya."

"It's fine," I told her, forcing a smile. It had been 3 months since Richie anyway. "I guess I'm just not that lucky when it comes to guys."

"Oh please, I'm pretty sure half the guys in your school are drooling over you," Riley said.

"No!" I said quickly, but I had a bunch of admirers.

And then it was Riley's turn. "So the first boyfriend I had was right here in Oakhaven, actually. Last summer. Gordan Rivers."

I gasped. "Gordan Rivers?!"

He had been another childhood friend. He was kind of a dork, but in a cute way.

Riley blushed. "Yeah. But, well, it's over."

And then in December she had gotten another boyfriend, Albert, but they broke up in February.

"I'm actually sort of looking for a summer romance," Riley started fantasizing again.

I laughed. "Oh really? Not if your dad has anything to do with it."

Riley sighed. Her father was very very protective of her. "Yeah, you should've seen his reaction when he walked in on Albert and me kissing in my room."

My eyebrows shot up.

Riley shook her head. "Don't even ask."

AUTHOR'S NOTE what do you think will go on between Lucas and Maya?

Thanks for the 100+ views for 2 chapters haha hope you like it!

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